
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
L. T. White1923Entomological investigations of the California Station
J. Waterston1923On the Mallophaga of the Shackleton-Rowett Expediton 1921-1922
J. Waterston1923Two new Anoplura
J. W. Ward, Gallagher B. A.1923Diseases of domestic birds
B. Wandolleck1923Über die Eier der Lipeurus-Arten
K. Rasch1923Versuche mit einem neuen, SO2-abspaltenden Mittel zur Ungezieferbekämpfung
A. W. N. Pillers1923Solenopotes capillatus, Enderlein, a blood sucking louse of cattle, not previously found in England
Pawlowsky,E. N.1923Structure de l`appareil genital mâle du Phthirius inguinalis
A. Cornelis Oudemans1923Medeeilingen over Mallophaga en Pediculi
M. M. Metcalf1923The origin and distribution of the Anura
M. M. Metcalf1923The host-parasite method and problems in which it is useful
E. Martini1923Lehrbuch der medizinischen Entomologie
A. Maggiora, Tombolato A.1923Osservazioni sul tifo cosudativo dei gallinacei o peste aviaria
S. Kotlán1923Über die Blutaufnahme als Nahrung bei den Mallophagen
A. Henry Leblois,1923Perforations de la plume, d'origine parasitaire, chez le pigeon
L. J. S. Harrison1923Ectoparasitic insects and pacific problems
M. C. Hall1923Parasites and parasitic diseases of sheep
S. Hadwen1923Insects affecting live stock
P. M. Gilmer1923Derris as a parasiticide
P. Friesicke1923Die Wirkung des "Sulfoliquid" auf Ektoparasiten
G. A. Fresca1923Malofagos del Museo de Madrid. I. Descripcion de una especie nueva de Philopterus
G. A. Fresca1923Malofagos del Museo de Madrid. II. A nota
J. Fiebiger1923Die tierischen Parasiten der Haus- und Nutztiere
G. Floyd Ferris1923Mallophaga
G. Floyd Ferris1923The place of the systematist in modern biology
G. Floyd Ferris1923Issue 8 of Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921
G. Floyd Ferris1923Mallophaga
G. Floyd Ferris1923Contributions towards a monograph of the sucking lice. Part IV
H. Ellsworth Ewing1923New genera and species of sucking lice
K. Leopold Escherich1923Die Forstinsekten Mitteleuropas
S. Eriksen1923Diseases of fowls studied at the Missouri Poultry Station
G. Enderlein1923Parasitische Insekten aus Lithauen
L. H. Dunn1923Observations on the use of a steam jet for delousing railway coaches
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
E. V. Cowdry1923The distribution of Rickettsia in the tissues of insects and arachnids
C. R. Cleveland1923Control of poultry lice and mites
B. Bodnar1923Parasiten von Columba oenas L.
A. Bernard1923Bekämpfungsversuche gegen die Ektoparasiten des Geflügels
B. A. Barber1923Notes on the life history and habits of Mallophaga
Haas1923Praktische Ratschläge zur Erhöhung der Eierproduktion
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith