
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
C. G. Burkhart1999Physicians should treat head lice
B. Habedank, Schrader, G., Scheurer, S., Schein, E.1999Investigations on the in vitro feeding and in vitro breeding of the human body louse Pediculus humanus corporis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
M. M. A. de Doucet, Miranda, M. B., Jalil, A. M.1999Evidence of transmission of Pediculus humanus capitis deGeer, 1778 during school activities
J. Hemingway, Miller, J., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1999Pyrethroid resistance mechanisms in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel: implications for control
R. Simmons1999Nit wit
S. C. Gordon1999Factors contributing to the overuse of chemical pesticides in children with persistent head lice
P. Sowen1999Head lice: new developments on a controversial issue
M. L. Elgart1999Current treatments for scabies and pediculosis
P. Wilson1999The science behind head lice treatment
D. Tennstedt1999Pediculosis and phthiriasis
Anonymous1999Malathion for treatment of head lice
B. C. Zeichner1999Baseline susceptibility of a laboratory strain of Pediculus humanus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae) using a modified World Health Organization testing protocol
D. Raoult, Roux V.1999The body louse as a vector of reemerging human diseases
J. B. Ndihokubwayo, Raoult D.1999Epidemic typhus in Africa
K. L. Jones, Romanelli F.1999Pharmacist intervention to control lice resistance
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A., Armstrong, P., Hahn, C., Wolfe, N., Rahman, H. Abdul, Laserson, K., Telford,Sam R., 3rd, Spielman, A.1999Differential permethrin susceptibility of head lice sampled in the United States and Borneo
C. N. Burkhart, Arbogast, J., Smythe, P., Burkhart, C. G.1999Histochemical analysis of the nit of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
Anonymous1999Quarterly communicable disease review October to December 1998
S. J. McKay1999Myths & facts ... about head lice
C. N. Burkhart, Stankiewicz, B. A., Pchalek, I., Kruge, M. A., Burkhart, C. G.1999Molecular composition of the louse sheath
D. M. Elston1999What's eating you? Pediculus humanus (head louse and body louse)
P. C. Fan, Chung, W. C., Fan, C. K., Huang, P., Yen, C. W.1999Prevalence and treatment of Pediculus capitis infestation among aboriginal school children in northern Taiwan
R. Speare, Buettner P. G.1999Head lice in pupils of a primary school in Australia and implications for control
E. B. Rydkina, Roux, V., Gagua, E. M., Predtechenski, A. B., Tarasevich, I. V., Raoult, D.1999Bartonella quintana in body lice collected from homeless persons in Russia
V. Roux, Raoult D.1999Body lice as tools for diagnosis and surveillance of reemerging diseases
M. Dawes, Hicks, N. R., Fleminger, M., Goldman, D., Hamling, J., Hicks, L. J.1999Evidence based case report: treatment for head lice
P. Brouqui, La Scola, B., Roux, V., Raoult, D.1999Chronic Bartonella quintana bacteremia in homeless patients
I. F. Burgess, Brown C. M.1999Management of insecticide resistance in head lice Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculicidae)
A. A. Ghavanini1999Pediculus humanus capitis infestation in a Shiraz rural area, Iran [letter to the editor]
E. Ignace Menan, N'Guessan, G., Kiki-Barro, P. Christiane, Nebavi, N. G., Adjetey, T. A., Kone, M.1999Scalp pediculosis in school environment in the city of Abidjan: prevalence and influence of socioeconomic conditions
J. H. Price, Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, C. G., Islam, R.1999School nurses' perceptions of and experiences with head lice
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Gunning, W. T., Arbogast, J.1999Scanning electron microscopy of human head louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) egg and its clinical ramifications
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith