
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
P. R. Kettle1974A rapid technique for making permanent whole mounts of Mallophaga
P. R. Kettle1974Aquanirmus australis n. sp. (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the New Zealand dabchick, Podiceps rufopectus
P. R. Kettle1974The influence of cattle lice (Damalinia bovis and Linognathus vituli) on weight gain in beef animals
P. R. Kettle, Pearce D. M.1974Effect of the sheep body louse (Damalinia ovis) on host weight gain and fleece value
P. R. Kettle1977A study on Phthiraptera (chiefly Amblycera and Ischnocera) with particular reference to the evolution of host-parasite relationships of the order.
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1979The efficacy of some pour-on insecticides for the control of long-nosed sucking lice (Linognathus vituli) on cattle
P. R. Kettle1980Cuculicola kui n.sp. (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the New Zealand shining cuckoo
P. R. Kettle1981The phylogenetic relationships within the Galliformes indicated by their lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
P. R. Kettle, Watson A. J.1981The efficacy of phosmet as a "pour-on" for the control of long-nosed sucking lice (Linognathus vituli) on cattle
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1982Long term effects of sheep body lice (Damalinia ovis) on body- weight and wool production
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1982Effects of sheep lice (Damalinia ovis) on wool color
P. R. Kettle, Watson, A. J., White, D. A.1983Evaluation of a deltamethrin formulation as a back line treatment of sheep for the control of the sheep body louse (Damalinia ovis)
P. R. Kettle1983The seasonal incidence of parasitism by Phthiraptera on starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in England
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1984Recovery of sheep lice (Damalinia ovis) from baled wool - a technique enabling nation wide surveillance of louse ridden flocks
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith