
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. Carl Conra Burmeister1847Über die Mundbildung von Pediculus.
C. Ludwig Nitzsch1864Beobachtungen der Arten von Pediculus
F. Rudow1869Einige neue Pediculinen
A. Murray1877Economic Entomology-Aptera. South Kensington Museum Science Handbook
O. Stroebelt1881Pedicinus piageti n. sp., eine neue Affenlaus
R. Kohaut1897Hemiptera- Aptera.
E. Cziki1904Die Läuse. A tetvek
H. Friedenthal1909Haarparasiten und Haarbau als Hinweise auf Blutsverwandschaft
H. Fahrenholz1910Neue Läuse
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Ecto-parasites of the monkeys, apes and man.
R. Stobbe1913Mallophagen. 1. Beitrag: Neue formen von Säugetieren (Trichophilopterus und Eurytrichodectes nn. gen.)
G. Schwalbe1915Über die Bedeutung der äußeren Parasiten für die Phylogenie der Säugetiere und des Menschen
H. Sikora1915Beiträge zur Biologie von Pediculus vestimenti. Anhang. Biologie der Schweinelaus
H. Fahrenholz1915Läuse verschiedener Menschenrassen
H. Fahrenholz1916Diagnosen neuer Anopluren. III.
G. H. F. Nuttall1917The biology of Pediculus humanus
G. H. F. Nuttall1918The biology of Phthirus pubis
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The biology of Pediculus humanus. Supplementary notes.
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The systematic position, synonymy and iconography of Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis
H. Fahrenholz1920Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit G. Schwalbes: "Über die Bedeutung der äusseren Parasiten für die Phylogenie der Säugetiere und des Menschen."
K. Foot1920Notes on Pediculus vestimenti
G. H. F. Nuttall1920On Fahrenholz´s purported new species subspecies and varieties of Pediculus
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
H. Ellsworth Ewing1923New genera and species of sucking lice
L. Freund1926Läusestudie VI: Menschen- und Affenläuse
G. A. H. Bedford1927Description of a new genus and species of Anoplura (Lemurphthirus galagus) from a lemur
H. Ellsworth Ewing1927Description of three new species of sucking lice, together with a key to some related species of the genus Polyplax
E. Schwarz1929On the local races and distribution of the Black and White Colobus Monkeys
V. B. Wigglesworth1929Phthiriasis in Primates: a sidelight on phylogeny
C. W. Stiles, Hassall, A., Nolan, M. O.1929Key-catalogue of parasites reported from Primates (monkeys and lemurs) with their possible public health importance and Key-catalogue of Primates for which parasites are reported
H. E. Hinman1931Pediculus (Parapediculus) atelophilus Ewing, 1926 from the red spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi
F. Leoni Werneck1932Sobre as especies do genero Pedicinus
F. Leoni Werneck1932Consideraçoes sobre o genero "Phthirpedicinus" e sua especie typo
H. Ellsworth Ewing1932A new sucking louse from the chimpanzee
H. Ellsworth Ewing1933The taxonomy of the anopluran Genus Pediculus Linnaeus
H. Ellsworth Ewing1934The identity and origin of the sucking lice of American monkeys
G. Floyd Ferris1934Contributions towards a monograph of the sucking lice. Part VII
G. A. H. Bedford1936A synoptic check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (Supplement No.1.)
F. Leoni Werneck1937Nota sobre Pediculus mjöbergi Gerris (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
H. Ellsworth Ewing1938The sucking lice of American monkeys
P. Alfred Buxton1941Studies on populations of head-lice (Pediculus humanus capitis: Anoplura). IV. The composition of populations
P. Alfred Buxton1941On the occurance of the crab-louse (Phthirus pubis; Anoplura) in the hair of the head
H. Fahrenholz1941Eine neue Laus des Schimpansen
H. S. Leeson1941The effect of temperature upon the hatching of the eggs of Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer (Anoplura)
J. MacLeod, Craufurd-Benson H. J.1941Casual beds as a source of louse infestation
J. MacLeod, Craufurd-Benson H. J.1941Observations on natural populations of the body louse, Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer
G. Mariani1941Pediculus humanus biologia in rapporto alla disinfestazione
R. Patay1941Sur un dispositif aérifère de l'embryon de Pediculus vestimenti Nitzsch
V. B. Wigglesworth1941The sensory physiology of the human louse Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer (Anoplura)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith