
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. F. Chamberlain, Hopkins, D. E., Gingrich, A. R.1973Cattle biting louse: Evaluation of compounds for juvenile hormone activity
W. F. Chamberlain, Hopkins, D. E., Schwarz, M.1973Cattle Biting Louse: Evaluation of Compounds for Juvenile Hormone Activity. 2. Hormonal and Toxic Effects
B. L. Chen, Mullens B. A.2008Temperature and Humidity Effects on Off-Host Survival of the Northern Fowl Mite (Acari: Macronyssidae) and the Chicken Body Louse (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae)
D. I. Darrow1973Biting lice of goats: control with dichlorvos-impregnated resin neck collars
H. E. Fairchild, Dahm P. A.1955Lice control on chickens with chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides
E. Gless, Raun E. S.1959Effects of chicken body louse infestation on egg production
E. E. Gless, Raun E. S.1958Inescticidal control of the chicken body louse on range turkeys
W. L. Gojmerac, Dicke, R. J., Allen, N. N.1959Factors affecting the biology of cattle lice
R. L. Goulding, Taylor N. O.1962Effects of tropical applicatios of Dibrom upon cattle lice and cattle grubs
F. W. Knapp1962Co-ral as a litter and nest dust to control the chicken body louse
F. W. Knapp1962Poultry tolerance to excessive amounts of Co-ral dust
S. E. Kunz, Hogan B. F.1970Dichlorvos-impregnated resin strands for control of chicken lice on laying hens
J. George Matthysse1967Sheep ectoparasite control. I. Insecticides and application methods for keds and biting lice
J. George Matthysse1944Biology of the Cattle Biting Louse and notes on Cattle sucking lice
J. George Matthysse, Gutenmann, W. H., Gigger, R.1968Sheep ectoparasite control. II. Toxicity to sheep, and residues of diazinon and lindane
J. G. Medley, Drummond R. O.1963Tests with insecticides for control of lice on goats and sheep
A. C. Murillo, Mullens B. A.2016Sulfur Dust Bag: A Novel Technique for Ectoparasite Control in Poultry Systems
S. O. Oladipupo, Hu, X. - P., Appel, A. G.2022Essential Oils in Urban Insect Management—A Review
D. K. Scharff1962An investigation on the cattle louse problem
B. I. Tarshis1964A sorptive dust for control of the Northern fowl mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum, infesting dwellings
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith