
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. N. Buriro, Akbar S. S.1978Incidence and occurrence of ectoparasites of poultry in Pakistan
Ddel Carmen Castro1978Nuevas citas de Anoplura para Argentina (Insecta)
J. A. DeVaney1978A survey of poultry ectoparasite problems and their research in the United States
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Die Kopflaus des Menschen (Pediculus capitis).
V. Dyk, Eichler W.1978Ludvík Freund, ein bedeutender und vielseitiger böhmischer Zoologe und Parasitologe
V. Č. erný1978Idioxenia versus synoxenia in ectoparasites
W. J. Foreyt, Long, G. G., Gates, N. L.1978Trichodectes canis: Severe pediculosis in coyotes
E. T. Lyons, Keyes, M. C., Conlogue, J.1978Activities of dichlorvos or disophenol against the hookworm (Uncinaria lucasi) and sucking lice of northern fur seal pups (Callorhinus ursinus) os St. Paul Island, Alaska
J. Maldonado-Cipriles, Miro-Mercado J.1978The wing louse, Lipeurus caponis (L.) (Mallophaga: Philoteridae) attacking poultry in Puerto Rico
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1978Malófagos parásitos de Coraciformes
H. Mester1978Zur Biologie von Kiebitz-Federlingen
V. B. Meyer-Rochow1978The diverse uses of insects in traditional societies
J. Tendeiro1978Estudos sobre Malófagos. Sobre o Labicotes kourii Tendeiro, 1975 (Ischnocera, Goniodidae), parasita da Crax globulosa Spix (Galliformes, Cracidae)
J. A. Zidar, Shaw, J. H., Hanfman, D. T., Kirby, M. D., Rayburn, J. D., Edwards, S. J., Hood, M. W.1978Supplement 21, Part 5, Parasite-Subject Catalogue, Parasites: Arthropoda And Miscellaneous Phyla
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith