
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Bany, Pfeffer, A., Phegan, M. D.1995Comparison of local and systemic responsiveness of lymphocytes in vitro to Bovicola ovis antigen and concanavalin A in B. ovis infested and naive lambs
J. Bany, Pfeffer, A., Phegan, M., Heath, A. C. G.1995Proliferative responses of lymphocytes in Bovicola ovis infested lambs
C. H. Eisemann, Pearson, R. D., Donaldson, R. A., Cadogan, L. C.1994Ingestion of host antibodies by Bovicola ovis on sheep
D. R. Hennessy1997Physiology, pharmacology and parasitology
P. J. James1999Do sheep regulate the size of their mallophagan louse populations?
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1998Pruritis and dermal response to insect antigens in sheep infested with Bovicola ovis
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Brown, D. R.1998Seasonal dynamics and variation among sheep in densities of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1997Kinetic disposition of an aqueous formulation of alphacypermethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep with long wool and its effect on lice
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1995Kinetic disposition of an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of deltamethrin applied to sheep in a plunge-dip and its effect on lice
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1995Kinetic disposition of xylene-based or aqueous formulations of deltamethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep and their effect on lice
G. Levot2000Resistance and the control of lice on humans and production animals
G. W. Levot1995Resistance and the control of sheep ectoparasites
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith