
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
V. L. Adamovich1970The lice Anoplura of small animals from natural foci of tularemia in the Volhynian Polesye/SSR
G. P. Agarwal, Gupta P. D.1970The effect of low temperature on the viability of the eggs of Falcolipeurus frater (Giebel) (Mallophaga, Ischnocera)
D. M. Allred1970Mites and lice of the national reactor testing station
A. H. Andrews, McEwen J. C.1970A case of lice infestation (Linognathus setosus)
J. R. H. Andrews1970Notes on infestations of Damalinia hemitragi (Cummings, 1916) (Mallophaga) on Tahr in New Zealand
J. F. Bell, Moore, G. J., Clifford, C. M., Raymond, G. H.1970Dry gangrene of the ear in white mice
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1970On the taxonomic status of Nirmus fulvofasciatus Grube (Mallophaga)
N. S. Brown1970The crop contents of male, female, and immature Hohorstiella lata
N. S. Brown1970Distribution of Menacanthus stramineus in relation to chicken's surface temperatures
J. H. Calaby1970Phthiraptera (Lice)
W. F. Chamberlain, Hopkins D. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) reared on a diet containing synthetic juvenile hormone
T. Clay1970The Amblycera (Phthiraptera: Insecta)
T. Clay1970A preliminary key to the genera of the Menoponidae (Mallophaga)
T. Clay1970Species of Myrsidea (Insecta: Mallophaga) parasitic on the Estrildidae (Aves)
T. Clay1970A new species of Myrsidea (Mallophaga: Insecta)
T. Clay, Moreby C.1970Mallophaga and Anoplura of Subantarctic Islands
T. Clay, Price R. D.1970A new genus and two new species of Menoponidae (Insecta: Mallophaga) from New Guinea
T. Clay, Price R. D.1970A new genus and species of Menoponidae (Mallophaga) from the African swallow-tailed kite
T. Clay1970Phthiraptera
S. M. Das, Sharma B. D.1970On Haematopinus eurysternus, Nitzsch (1818) (Siphunculuata: Haematopinidae) from Kashmir
W. Eichler1970Artangabe, Wirtsangabe und Wirtsspezifität bei Ektoparasiten. Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zur aviparasitologischen Methodik
W. Eichler1970Evolutionistische Aspekte des Wirts- Parasit- Verhältnisses
R. Edwin Elbel, Price R. D.1970Two new species of ischnoceran Mallophaga from an oriental partridge (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
O. H. Enan1970Susceptibility of body- lice Pediculus humanus humanus to some insecticides in Alexandria area in the United Arab Republic
V. Č. erný1970Die parasitischen Arthropoden der synanthropen Taubenvögel einer Großstadt
I. Fisher, Morton R. S.1970Phthirus pubis infestation
R. I. Fisher, Morton R. S.1970Phthirus pubis infestation
P. Fritsch1970"Phthiriasis"
I. A. Gaaboub1970Investigations on the nature of DDT and gamma-BHC resistance in a strain of human body louse, Pediculus humanus corporis DeGeer, collected from Alexandria U. A. R. (United Arab Republic) during May, 1969
I. A. Gaaboub, Hammad S. M.1970Susceptibility levels of the Egyptian body louse, Pediculus humanus corporis DeGeer, in Alexandria city (United Arab Republic) to DDT, gamma-BHC and pyrethrins
H. Gaedike1970Katalog der in den Sammlungen des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen - III. Embioptera, Psocoptera, Mallophaga
H. Gartmann, Dickmanns-Burmeister D.1970Phthirii in scalp hair, eyebrows and eyelashes of a 2 and one-half-year-old girl
L. Geyer1970Phthirii in the hair of a small child. Review and case report
V. K. Grosa19700 faune pukhoyedov (Mallophaga) dikikh kurinykh ptits Kazakhstana
K. P. Hajela1970A new species of Neophilopterus Cummings, 1916 (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) from Ceylon
K. P. Hajela, Tandan B. Kishore1970Species of Ardeicola (Insecta: Mallophaga) parasitic on birds of the family Threskiornithidae
V. G. Henry, Conley R. H.1970Some parasites of European wild hogs in the Southern Appalachians
J. M. Hirst, Cole, M. M., Gilbert, I. H., Adams, C. T.1970Further sleeve tests of new powders for control of body lice
D. E. Hopkins1970In vitro colonization of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichopectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone anologue
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone analog
K. Chung Kim1970The Anoplura of the world: an information center
K. Chung Kim1970The sucking lice Anoplura, Insecta; a new classification
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1970Anoplura from Mozambique with description of a new species and nymphal stages
H. F. Klockenhoff, Madel G.1970Über die Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) der Dasht-e-Nawar in Afghanistan
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1970Pedicinus miopitheci n.sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), eine Laus der Zwergmeerkatze Cercopithecus (Miopithecus) talapoin.
K. V. Lakshminarayana1970Epipectus Carriker, 1966 - a nomen nudum
K. V. Lakshminarayana1970Mallophaga Indica IV. Trends in evolution in the Laemobothrion-complex (Phthiraptera: Mallophaga), with description of a new genus
J. A. Ledger1970A new species of Solenopotes Enderlein (Anoplura: Linognathidae) from an African antelope
J. A. Ledger1970A new species of Strigiphilus Mjoberg (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the giant eagle-owl Bubo lacteus


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith