
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. Bacot1917A simple means of ascertaining if a sterilizing hut is hot enough to destroy lice and nits in clothing or blankets
A. W. Bacot1917A contribution to the bionomics of Pediculus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitus
H. Fahrenholz1917Anopluren des Zoologischen Museums zu Hamburg (3. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anopluren)
M. C. Hall1917Notes in regard to horse lice, Trichodectes and Haematopinus
E. Hindle1917Notes on the biology of Pediculus humanus
F. M. Howlett1917Notes on head- and body-lice and upon temperature reactions of lice and mosquitoes
G. H. Lamson, Jr.1917The life-histories of the cattle lice
E. Martini1917Zur Kenntnis des Verhaltens der Läuse gegenüber Wärme
E. Alexander McGregor1917Six new species of Mallophaga from North American mammals
E. Alexander McGregor1917Eight new Mallophaga of the genus Lipeurus from North American birds
E. Alexander McGregor1917Three new Mallophaga from North American birds
G. H. F. Nuttall1917Bibliography of Pediculus and Phthirus, including zoological and medical publications dealing with human lice, their anatomy, biology, relation to disease etc. and prophylactic measures directed against them
G. H. F. Nuttall1917Studies on Pediculus. I. The copulatory apparatus and the process of copulation in Pediculus humanus
G. H. F. Nuttall1917The part played by Pediculus humanus in the causation of disease
G. H. F. Nuttall1917The biology of Pediculus humanus
J. Howard Paine1917An asymmetrical bird-louse found on three different species of troupials
H. Sikora1917Zur Kleiderlaus-Kopflausfrage
S. Uchida1917Bird-infesting Mallophaga of Japan (III). (Genus Lipeurus)
S. Uchida1917Mallophaga from birds of Formosa
J. Waterston1917List of articles and notes
J. Waterston1917A new African louse (Polyplax calva, n.sp.) from Cricetomys
J. Waterston1917On a new species of Docophoroides Giglioli (Eurymetopus Tasch.) from an albatross (Diomedea melanophrys)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith