
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
R. L. C. Pilgrim, Palma R. L.1982A list of the chewing lice (Insecta: Mallophaga) from birds in New Zealand
K. C. Emerson1982Mallophaga
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1982A new species of Bovicola (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from the Formosan serow, Capricornis crispus swinhoei (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)
K. Chung Kim, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1982Parallel evolution, cladistics, and classification of parasitic Psocodea
G. D. Rankin1982Mallophaga on the eggs of wading birds
M. F. Mickevich1982Transformation series analysis
D. Rudolph1982Site, process and mechanism of active uptake of water-vapour from the atmosphere in the Psocoptera
D. Rudolph1982Occurrence, properties and biological implications of the active uptake of water-vapor from the atmosphere in Psocoptera
M. W. Eberle, McLean D. L.1982Initiation and orientation of the symbiote migration in the human body louse Pediculus humanus L
K. K. Gunther1982Some notable book lice from Mongolia, (Psocoptera, Psocidae)
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1982Long term effects of sheep body lice (Damalinia ovis) on body- weight and wool production
P. R. Kettle, Lukies J. M.1982Effects of sheep lice (Damalinia ovis) on wool color
P. P. Khokhlov1982The functional anatomy of mouth parts in the louse Hoplopleura acanthopus (Anoplura)
N. Kummerfeld1982Mites and bird lice in exotic birds and pigeons
J. E. Kwakukpikpi1982The incidence of the head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) among pupils of two schools in Accra
H. Lazer1982For a coming extinction - a reading of Merwin,W.S. The 'Lice'
P. Mehrotra, Singh T.1982Some studies on the blood constituents of sheep infested with biting louse Damalinia ovis (Schrank)
J. Minář, Dusbabek F.1982A contribution to the knowledge of louse flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) from Afghanistan
W. M. Samuel, Williams, E. S., Rippin, A. B.1982Infestations of Piagetiella peralis (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) on juvenile white pelicans
A. Kumar Saxena, Agarwal G. P.1982Histological peculiarities in the ejaculatory duct of poultry lice Lipeurus lawrensis tropicalis Peters (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera)
J. Silenieks1982'Stasti' - Lice ,Z, Editor
E. F. Sosnina1982The host parasite relationships between lice and rodents
J. M. Tenorio1982Catalog of entomological types in the Bishop Museum Anoplura and Siphonaptera
R. N. Titchener1982The prevalence of lice on calves in Ayrshire
H. Weidner1982Body lice in the soldiers week-day during the World War I - a memorial of Hasf Albrecht on the occasion of return of his 100th birthday
N. S. Williams1982Status of Brueelia superciliosa (Mallophaga, Philopteridae)
J. O. Whitaker, Jr.1982Ectoparasites of Indiana
Y. Oniki, Emerson K. C.1982A new species of Trochiloecetes (Mallophaga: Ricinidae) from the saw-billed hermit, Ramphodon naevius (Dumont) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae)
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1982Mallophaga parasites on marine birds with new records for Spain
Z. Mustafajeva, Hadjiyev, A., Dubovchenko, T.1982Ectoparasites of birds and their epidemiological role in Azerbaijan
N. S. Williams1982Mallophaga from banaquits, Coereba flaveola sanctithomae, from the Virgin Islands
Y. S. Chaika1982The comparative characteristics of digestive enzymes in blood-sucking insects: 1. Proteases and Alpha-amylases
J. M. Couch, Green, W. R., Hirst, L. W., De La Cruz, Z. C.1982Diagnosing and treating Pthirus pubis palpebrarum
B. Duncan1982Pediculosis
W. Eichler1982Zur Großsystematik der Anopluren
W. Eichler1982Kopflausprobleme. I. Der systematische Rang von Pediculus capitis
W. Eichler1982The overall taxonomy of the Anoplura
Y. Felman, Nikitas J.1982Sexually transmitted disease morbidity in New York City, USA: Analysis of trends, 1980-1981
I. A. Gaaboub, Donia, A. H., Kelada, N. L., Abdelkarim, M. E. H.1982Ectoparasites of some rodents from the edge of the Western Desert near Alexandria, Egypt
J. B. Heppner, Lamas G.1982Acronyms for World Museum Collections of Insects, with an empahasis on Neotropical Lepidoptera
P. T. Hiepe1982Large scale management systems and parasite populations: Ectoparasites
I. G. Horak1982Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XV. The seasonal prevalence of ectoparasites on impala and cattle in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa
D. Hutchinson, Farquhar J. A.1982Trimethoprim-=sulfamethoxazole in the treatment of malaria, toxoplasmosis and pediculosis
I. Munkvad, Klemp P.1982Coexistence of veneral infection and pediculosis pubis
R. Pal1982Disease vector control in China
R. A. Payne, Jones G. S.1982Ectoparasites and other associates of the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus (Rodentia: Sciuridae), from northeastern USA, with additional records from Prince Edward Island, Canada
R. Ratzlaff, Wikel, K., Lynn, R.1982Induction of resistance to Polyplax serrata infestation in Cox/ Swiss mice
Riley, Jr., H. D.1982Trench fever (infection due to Rochalimaea quintana)
Riley, Jr., H. D.1982Typhus fevers.
D. Rudolph, Knuelle W.1982Novel uptake systems for atmospheric water vapor among insects


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith