
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous1973Kopflausbefall (Pediculosis capitis). Verhütung und Bekämpfung. Ratschläge an Ärzte
J. R. H. Andrews1973Records of mallophaga of the genus Damalinia from wild ruminants in New Zealand
M. Jakovlevic Ass1973Die Fangbeine der Arthropoden, ihre Entstehung, Evolution ind Funktion
A. V. Azevedo1973Parasitismo de pavão por Goniodes pavonis
J. - C. Beaucournu, Rodhain, F., Houin, R.1973Abstract: Sur quelques insectes (Siphonaptera, Anoplura) ectoparasites de mammiferes dans la basse vallee de l´Omo (Etiopie)
J. L. Boese, Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Walsch, W. T., Fiset, P.1973Antibody and antibiotic action on Rickettsia prowazeki in body lice across the host-vector interface, with observations on strain virulence and retrieval mechanisms
G. Bouvier1973La frequence des Mallophages ches les oiseaux de Suisse
J. R. Busvine, Gaon, J. A., Murray, E. S., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Fabrikant, I. B., Woodward, T. E., Snyder, J. C., Kostrzewski, J., Gear, J. H., Wegner, Z., Ludwig, H. Wolfgang, Cole, M. M., Brooks, M. A., Ormsbee, R. A., Smith, C. N.1973Open discussion: Biology and control of lice: A. Bionomics of lice
J. R. Busvine1973Biology and control of lice: Bionomics of lice. Introductory remarks
J. R. Busvine1973Appropriate formulations of insecticide for different louse control situations
J. R. Busvine1973Certain aspects of insecticide resistance
J. R. Busvine, Weidhaas, D. E., Smith, C. N.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session II
J. F. Butler1973Abstract: Rabon for hog louse control in Florida.
T. - H. Chin1973Solenopotes sinensis sp. nov. (Anoplura: Linognathidae), a new species of sucking louse from China
T. Clay1973The species groups of Pectinopygus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae)
T. Clay1973Phthiraptera (Lice)
M. M. Cole, Clark, P. H., Grothaus, R. H.1973Some candidate louse powders
M. M. Cole1973Synergistic compounds
M. M. Cole, Van Natta D. I.1973Systemic insecticides
M. M. Cole, Van Natta D. L.1973Synthetic juvenile hormones
W. Eichler1973Stefan von Kéler in seiner Bedeutung für die Mallophagenforschung
W. Eichler1973Mallophagen-Sammeltechnik mit Zacher-Stäuben
W. Eichler1973Biozide Nahrungsketten und parasitologische Sammeltechnik
W. Eichler, Hackman W.1973Finnische Mallophagen. I. Geschichtlicher Überblick über die Mallophagenforschung in Finnland, enumeratio mallophagorum Fenniae, Bibliographie der gesamten finnischen Mallophagenliteratur
W. Eichler, Złotorzycka J.1973Pamphlets on applied parasitology and pest control. 19. The pigeon lice Columbicola columbae columbae
R. Edwin Elbel, Price R. D.1973Three new oriental and New Guinean Degeeriella (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
M. L. Elgart, Higden R. S.1973Pediculosis pubis of the scalp
B. L. Elisberg, Reeves, W. C., J. Vinson, W., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Makara, G., Murray, E. S., Gaon, J. A., Busvine, J. R., Gear, J. H., Fabrikant, I. B.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session II: Open discussion
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1973A new species of Strigiphilus from the saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1973A new species of Damalina (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus)
I. B. Fabrikant, Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Miller, R. N., Verschueren, A.1973Ecology of insecticide resistance among body lice in endemoepidemic typhus zones
I. A. Fedorenko1973[Two new species of Philopterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Mallophaga) from passerine birds]
C. Fox, Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Traub, R., Fabrikant, I. B., Reeves, W. C., Murray, E. S., Gaon, J. A.1973Open discussion:
E. J. Gerberg1973Head lice: Control and nit removal
N. G. Gratz1973The current status of louse infestations throughout the world
N. G. Gratz1973Louse powders: Problems in field programs
N. G. Gratz, Tarizzo, M. L., Traub, R., Eldridge, B. F.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session I
R. H. Grothaus, Cole M. M.1973Screening and testing techniques for new louse powders
R. Haitlinger1973To the knowledge of Siphonaptera and Anoplura fauna of the small mammals in Hungary
R. Haitlinger1973Polyplax spinigera (Burmeister, 1839) (Anoplura, Insecta) a new species of louse in the fauna of Poland)
F. Haub1973Das cibarium der Mallophagen: untersuchungen zur morphologischen differenzierung
W. M. Healy, Thomas J. Ward1973Effects of Dusting on Plumage of Japanese Quail
A. Horwitz1973Welcoming remarks
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973The influence of antibodies, antibiotics, and strain virulence on typhus infection in human body lice
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973Dichlorvos-impregnated plastic strips for field disinfesting clothing of lice
Grothaus, R. H., Cole M. M.1973Use of fumigants for control of body lice
Jenkins, D. W.1973Biologic control of human lice
Perry, A. S.1973Biochemistry of DDT resistance in the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus
Schoof, H. F.1973The occurrence and distribution of resistance in lice
A. Horwitz, Traub, R., Varela, G., Snyder, J. C., Gaon, J. A., Murray, E. S., Kostrzewski, J., Walton, G. A., Wisseman, Jr., C. L.1973Open discussion


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith