
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. A. Bell1998Treatment of Pediculus humanus var. capitis infestation in Cowlitz County, Washington, with ivermectin and the LiceMeister(R) comb
D. S. Carson, Tribble, P. W., Weart, C. W.1988Pyrethrins combined with piperonyl butoxide (RID) vs 1% permethrin (NIX) in the treatment of head lice
N. Hill, Moor, G., Cameron, M. M., Butlin, A., Preston, S., Williamson, M. S., Bass, C.2005Single blind, randomised, comparative study of the Bug Buster kit and over the counter pediculicide treatments against head lice in the United Kingdom
R. R. Manjrekar, Partridge, S. K., Korman, A. K., Barwick, R. S., Juranek, D. D.2000Efficacy of 1% permethrin for the treatment of head louse infestations among Kosovar refugees
T. Lynn Meinking, Clineschmidt, C. M., Chen, C., Kolber, M. A., Tipping, R. W., Furtek, C. I., Villar, M. E., Guzzo, C. A.2002An observer-blinded study of 1% permethrin creme rinse with and without adjunctive combing in patients with head lice
T. Lynn Meinking, Vicaria, M., Eyerdam, D. H., Villar, M. E., Reyna, S., Suarez, G.2004Efficacy of a reduced application time of Ovide lotion (0.5% malathion) compared to Nix creme rinse (1% permethrin) for the treatment of head lice
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Zamir, C., Zentner, G., Helbin, V., Ingber, A.2002The in vivo pediculicidal efficacy of a natural remedy
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A. E., Spielman, A.2000Over diagnosis and consequent mismanagement of head louse infestations in North America
R. J. Pollack, Kiszewski, A., Armstrong, P., Hahn, C., Wolfe, N., Rahman, H. Abdul, Laserson, K., Telford,Sam R., 3rd, Spielman, A.1999Differential permethrin susceptibility of head lice sampled in the United States and Borneo
Smith,S., Smith, G., Heatlie, H., Bashford, J., Ashcroft, D., Millson, D.2003Head lice diagnosed in general practice in the West Midlands between 1993 and 2000: a survey using the General Practice Research Database
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith