
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. A. H. Bedford1936A synoptic check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (Supplement No.1.)
G. A. H. Bedford1936New species of Linognathus and Polyplax (Anoplura)
G. A. H. Bedford1927Descriptions of three new species of Anoplura from South African mammals
P. L. G. Benoit1969Anoplura recueillis par le Dr. A. Elbl au Rwanda et au Kivu (Congo)
P. L. G. Benoit1961Anoplures du Centre Africain
P. L. G. Benoit1959Anoplura du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Genres Haematopinus, Linognathus et Pedicinus
W. W. G. Büttiker1949Eine neue Antilopenlaus, Linognathus geigyi n.sp.
H. Ellsworth Ewing1927Description of three new species of sucking lice, together with a key to some related species of the genus Polyplax
H. Fahrenholz1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anopluren. IV
B. Harms1912Über Haematopinus-Arten von einigen Suiden aus Deutsch-Ostafrika
H. Hoogstraal1958The elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1809, on wild African, elephants and warthogs
I. G. Horak1982Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XV. The seasonal prevalence of ectoparasites on impala and cattle in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa
I. G. Horak, Biggs, H. C., Hanssen, T. S., Hanssen, R. E.1983The prevalence of helminth and arthropod parasites of warthog, Phacochoerus asthiopicus, in South West Africa/ Namibia
I. G. Horak, Biggs, H. C., Reinecke, R. K.1984Arthropod parasites of Hartmann's mountain sebra, Equus zebra hartmannae, in South West Africa/Namibia
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., De Vos, V., Potgieter, F. T.1988Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld
I. G. Horak, Keep, M. E., Spickett, A. M., Boomker, J.1989Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIV. Arthropod parasites of bushbuck and common duiker in the Weza State Forest, Natal
I. G. Horak, Knight, M. M., De Vos, V.1986Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XX. Arthropod parasites of the Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra)
I. G. Horak, Sheppey, K., Knight, M. M., Beuthin, C. L.1986Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXI. Arthropod parasites of vaal ribbok, bontebok and scrub hares in western Cape Province
I. G. Horak, De Vos, V., De Klerk, B. D.1984Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XVII. Arthropod parasites of Burchell's zebra, Equus burchelli, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld
J. D. Huart1974Note on the pathology and parasitism of the warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus Pallas)
K. P. N. Kleynhans1968Linognathus digitalis n.sp. (Anoplura: Linognathidae) from the springbuck (Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmermann))
J. A. Ledger1973A new species of Linognathus (Pthiraptera: Linognathidae) from the feet of an African antelope
J. A. Ledger1971A new species of Linognathus (Anoplura: Linognathidae) from the Damra dikdik
M. M. Metcalf1923The host-parasite method and problems in which it is useful
H. Osborn1896Insects affecting domestic animals: An account of the species of importance in North America, with mention of related forms occurring on other animals.
J. Howard Paine1914Note on Linognathus forficula Kellogg and Paine
R. Paulian, Pajot F. Xavier1966Anoploures de la République Centrafricaine et du Congo (Brazzaville)
F. Rodhain1976Présence en Éthiopie d'Haematomyzus hopkinsi, Clay, 1963 (Phthiraptera: Haematomyzidae)
M. Stimie, van der Merwe S.1968A revision of the genus Haematopinus Leach (Phthiraptera: Anoplura)
S. van der Merwe1968Two new Linognathus species from Mozambique
F. Leoni Werneck1959Alguns ectoparasitos de mamiferos de Angola (Mallophaga e Anoplura)
F. Leoni Werneck1937Algumas especies e subspecies novas de Anoplura
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith