
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. W. Vinson, Varela, G., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. III. Induction of clinical disease in volunteers inoculated with Rickettsia quintana propagated on blood agar
G. Varela, Vinson, J. W., Molina-Pasquel, C.1969Trench fever. II. Propagation of Rickettsia quintana on cell-free medium from the blood of two patients
B. La Scola, Fournier, P. - E., Brouqui, P., Raoult, D.2001Detection and culture of Bartonella quintana, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter spp. from decontaminated human body lice
T. Sasaki, Kobayashi, M., Agui, N.2002Detection of Bartonella quintana from body lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae) infesting homeless people in Tokyo by molecular technique
E. B. Rydkina, Roux, V., Gagua, E. M., Predtechenski, A. B., Tarasevich, I. V., Raoult, D.1999Bartonella quintana in body lice collected from homeless persons in Russia
V. Roux, Raoult D.1999Body lice as tools for diagnosis and surveillance of reemerging diseases
J. - M. Rolain, Arnoux, D., Parzy, D., Sampol, J., Raoult, D.2003Experimental infection of human erythrocytes from alcoholic patients with Bartonella quintana
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D. Raoult, Birtles, R. J., Montoya, M., Pérez, E., Tissot-Dupont, H., Roux, V., Guerra, H.1999Survey of three bacterial louse-associated diseases among rural Andean communities in Peru: prevalence of epidemic typhus, trench fever, and relapsing fever
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P. - E. Fournier, Ndihokubwayo, J. B., Guidran, J., Kelly, P. J., Raoult, D.2002Human pathogens in body and head lice
C. Foucault, La Scola, B., Lindroos, H., Andersson, S. G., Raoult, D.2005Multispacer typing technique for sequence-based typing of Bartonella quintana
S. Consigny, Chosidow O.2003Cutaneous infections in the homeless
P. Brouqui, La Scola, B., Roux, V., Raoult, D.1999Chronic Bartonella quintana bacteremia in homeless patients
P. Brouqui, Houpikian, P., Dupont, H. T., Toubiana, P., Obadia, Y., Lafay, V., Raoult, D.1996Survey of the seroprevalence of Bartonella quintana in homeless people
Anonymous1968Rickettsial diseases
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith