
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. B. Andrews, Joseph, M. C., Magenheim, M. J., Tilson, H. H., Doi, P. A., Schultz, M. W.1992Postmarketing surveillance study of permethrin creme rinse
R. W. Ashford1991The human parasite fauna - towards an analysis and interpretation
E. H. Aydemir, Unal, G., Kutlar, M., Onsun, N.1993Pediculosis capitis in Istanbul
P. A. Becherel, Barete, S., Frances, C., Chosidow, O.1999Ectoparasitoses (pediculosis and scabies): therapeutics
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Use of topical nicotine for treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anaplura : Pediculidae)
D. A. Burns1991The treatment of human ectoparasite infection
E. Caumes, Danis M.2001New indications for ivermectin
O. Chosidow2000Scabies and pediculosis
C. Courtiade, Labreze, C., Fontan, I., Taieb, A., Maleville, J.1993Head lice - a questionnaire survey in four schools of the Academy of Bordeaux in 1990-1991
B. Estrada1998Head lice: what about ivermectin?
V. Gallais, BourgaultVillada, I., Chosidow, O.1997Lice and scabies: new clinical and therapeutic developments
P. J. James, Mitchell, H. K., Cockrum, K. S., Ancell, P. M. C.1994Controlled release insecticide devices for protection of sheep against head strike caused by Lucilia cuprina
J. Potts2001Eradication of ectoparasites in children - how to treat infestations of lice, scabies, and chiggers
J. Shapiro, Maddin S.1996Medicated shampoos
W. Y. Son, Pai, K. - S., Huh, S.1995Comparison of two modes of mass delousing in schoolchildren
Z. Vermaak1996Model for the control of Pediculus humanus capitis
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith