
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
I. Babic1934Paraziticka acarina i insecta ustanovljena kod domacih zivotinja u Jugosaviji (Parasitisvche Acarina und Insecta festgestellt bei Haustiere in Jugoslawien
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1964Anoplura (Siphunculata) - Vshi
Ddel Carmen Castro1982Sobre una nueva especie del género Eulinognathus Cummings parásita de Ctenomys brasiliensis Blainville (Anoplura: Poliplacidae)
D. H. S. Davis1951First record of a louse (Neohaematopinus sciurinus) from the American grey squirrel in the Cape
L. A. Durden, Timm R. M.2001Hoplopleura janzeni n. sp. (Phthiraptera: Anoplura), a new sucking louse from a Central American swimming mouse
R. Haitlinger1987Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acari) occurring in Poland on Spermophilus suslicus (Gueldenstaedt, 1770) (Mammalia, Rodentia)
R. Haitlinger1980Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Coleoptera, Acarina) collected from small mammals in Rumania
K. Chung Kim1977Atopophthirus emersoni, new genus and new species (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) from Petaurista elegans (Rodentia: Sciuridae), with a key to the genera of Enderleinellinae
K. Chung Kim1968Two new species of the sucking lice (Hoplopleuridae, Anoplura) from Rattus (Muridae, Rodentia) in Thailand
K. Chung Kim1966The species of Enderleinellus (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) parasitic on the Sciurini and Tamiasciurini
K. Chung Kim, Brown, Jr., B. W., Cook, E. F.1963A quantitative taxonomic study of the Enderleinellus suturalis complex (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae)
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1970Anoplura from Mozambique with description of a new species and nymphal stages
J. Krištofík, Dudich A.2000Sucking lice of the Enderleinellus, Hoplopleura, Schizophthirus and Neohaematopinus genera (Phthiraptera) on small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in Slovakia
J. Krištofík, Dudich A.2000Sucking lice of the Polyplax genus (Phthiraptera) on small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in Slovakia
J. Krištofík, Lysy J.1992Seasonal dynamics of sucking lice (Anoplura) in small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in the natural foci of infections in South West Slovakia
P. Marcos Linardi, Gomes, A. F., Botelho, J. Ramiro, Lopes, C. Marques Li1994Some ectoparasites of commensal rodents from Huambo, Angola
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1967Untersuchungen an Anoplura (Demonstration)
C. H. C. Lyal1980Insects of Saudi Arabia: Anoplura
A. C. Mishra, Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1972Hoplopleura ramgarh sp. nov. and Hoplopleura sinhgarh sp. nov. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasitizing Mus spp. (Rodentia: Muridae) in India
C. J. Mitchell, Behin R.1965Notes on some small mammal ectoparasites from Northwest Territories, Canada
J. Máca1990Remarkable records of Anoplura from Czechoslovakia
S. Negru, Suciu M.1959Pediculide noi pentru fauna R.P.R. (Anoplura Lucas, 1840)
L. George Neumann1911Notes sur les Pédiculidés. II
E. O'Mahony1944A note on some Irish Anoplura Siphunculata
R. W. Richardson, III1982The taxonomy and distribution of Hoplopleura (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) on Muridae (Rodentia) in the Australian region
E. F. Sosnina1980Hopopleura edentula (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae), a parasite of voles of the genus Clethrionomys
E. F. Sosnina, Davydov G. S.1973Lice (Anoplura) of jerboa (Dipodidae: Mammalia) in the Tadzhik SSR
D. Swierstra, Jansen, Jr., J., van den Broek, E.1959Parasites of animals in the Netherlands
K. Touleshkov1954B´skite (Anoplura)- Ektoparaziti po domasnite zivotni i coveka. (Les poux (Anoplura) ectoparasitessur les animeaux domestiques et l´homme)
E. Voigt1952Ein seltener Fund: Nissen im Bernstein
Z. Wegner1970Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals caught in Dobrogea (Roumania)
Z. Wegner1966Wszy -Anoplura.
F. Leoni Werneck1937Algumas especies e subspecies novas de Anoplura
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith