
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
C. Linnaeus1767Pediculus
H. Fahrenholz1919Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten. II
G. H. F. Nuttall1919The systematic position, synonymy and iconography of Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis
G. H. F. Nuttall1920On Fahrenholz´s purported new species subspecies and varieties of Pediculus
H. Ellsworth Ewing1926A revision of the American lice of the genus Pediculus, together with a consideration of their geographical and host distribution
L. Freund1927Weitere Unterschiede zwischen Kopf-und Kleiderlaus
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature,1928Opinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature: Opinion 104, Pthirus
F. Klein1931Phthirius oder Phthirus?
H. Fahrenholz1938Die Anoplurengattung Polyplax
H. Fahrenholz1939Die Läuse der Schweine
G. H. E. Hopkins1945Stray notes on Anoplura
J. R. Busvine1948The "head" and "body" races of Pediculus humanus L.
P. Brinck1948Notes on Anoplura. Especially with regard to the Swedish species
P. Brinck1951Polyplax alaskensis Ewing och P. borealis Ferris (Anoplura)
W. Eichler1951Grenzfälle der Parasitendifferenzierung. II. Esel -und Pferdelaus
F. H. S. Roberts1952Insects affecting livestock, with special reference to important species occurring in Australia
G. H. E. Hopkins1952The correct names of the body and head lice of man
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature,1957Direction 63. Compulation and in certain cases correction of entries relationg to the names of genera belonging to the class Insecta made in the "Official list of generic names in Zoology" in the period up to the end of 1936
F. Hemming1958Official index of rejected and invalid generic names in zoology. First instalment: Names 1-1169
P. True Johnson1960List of named specimens of Anoplura in museums
M. Stubbe1966Zur Kenntnis der Wildschweinlaus Haematopinus suis apri
F. J. Gouin1968Morphologie, Histologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Insekten und der Myriapoden. IV. Die Strukturen des Kopfes
K. Chung Kim1972Open discussion (Session II)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith