
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
F. C. Wilkinson, De Chaneet, G. C., Beetson, B. R.1982Growth of populations of lice, Damalinia ovis, on sheep and their effects on production and processing performance of wool
V. J. Ormerod, Henderson D.1986Propetamphos pour-on formulation for the control of lice on sheep: effect of lice on weight gain and wool production
P. C. Cleland, Dobson, K. J., Meade, R. J.1989Rate of spread of sheep lice (Damalinia ovis) and their effects on wool quality
P. W. Morcombe, Gardner, J. J., Millar, L. E., Wilkinson, F. C., De Chaneet, G. C., Devereaux, D. J.1992The efficacy of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides applied to the backline of sheep against four strains of lice (Damalinia ovis)
J. S. Eagleson, Thompson, D. R., Scott, P. G., Cramer, L. G.1993Efficacy of ivermectin jetting fluid for control of the sheep biting louse (Damalinia ovis)
P. W. Johnson, Boray, J. C., Plant, J. W., Blunt, S. C.1993Prevalence of the causes of fleece derangement among sheep flocks in New South Wales
P. W. Morcombe, Young G. E.1993Persistence of the sheep body louse, Bovicola ovis, after treatment
A. C. Kotze1994Enhanced monooxygenase activity in pyrethroid resistant strains of Bovicola ovis (Schrank) (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae)
G. W. Levot1994A survey of organophosphate susceptibility in populations of Bovicola ovis (Schrank) (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae)
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1995Kinetic disposition of an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of deltamethrin applied to sheep in a plunge-dip and its effect on lice
G. W. Levot1995Resistance and the control of sheep ectoparasites
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1995Kinetic disposition of xylene-based or aqueous formulations of deltamethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep and their effect on lice
P. W. Morcombe1996Potential of the western australian pastoral region to meet wool markets which specify restraints on pesticide and fertiliser use
P. W. Morcombe, Young, G. E., Ball, M. D., Dunlop, R. H.1996The detection of lice (Bovicola ovis) in mobs of sheep: a comparison of fleece parting, the lamp test and the table locks test
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1997Kinetic disposition of an aqueous formulation of alphacypermethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep with long wool and its effect on lice
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Brown, D. R.1998Seasonal dynamics and variation among sheep in densities of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
A. Darwish, Hennessy, D. R., Maxwell, C. A.1999Production and oxidation of wool grease after shearing
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T.1999Prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in Queensland sheep flocks
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1999Spatial distribution and spread of sheep biting lice, Bovicola ovis, from point infestations
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2000Inspection of wool lots at sales as a diagnostic test for louse infestation
D. R. Hennessy, Darwish, A., Maxwell, C. A.2000Increased control of the sheep biting louse Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis with deltamethrin formulated in a fractionated wool grease carrier
S. Crawford, James, P. J., Maddocks, S.2001Survival away from sheep and alternative methods of transmission of sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
P. J. James, Carmichael, I. H., Pfeffer, A., Martin, R. R., O'Callaghan, M. G.2002Variation among Merino sheep in susceptibilty to lice (Bovicola ovis) and association with susceptibility to trichostrongylid gastrointestinal parasites
P. J. James, Garrett, J. A., Moon, R. D.2002Sensitivity of two-stage sampling to detect sheep biting lice (Bovicola ovis) in infested flocks
S. W. Cloete, Laubscher, J. M., Cloete, J. J.2003Infestation with the sheep body louse (Bovicola ovis) in Merino lines divergently selected for maternal multiple rearing ability
L. Brown, van der Linde, T. C., Fourie, L. J., Horak, I. G.2005Seasonal occurrence and production effects of the biting louse Damalinia limbata on Angora goats and 2 treatment options
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith