
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
M. C. Capuano-Tumino1998On the lookout for lice
P. M. Thompson, Corpe, H. M., Reid, R. J.1998Prevalence and intensity of the ectoparasite Echinophthirius horridus on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina): effects of host age and inter-annual variability in host food availability
P. D. Teel, Hopkins, S. W., Donahue, W. A., Strey, O. F.1998Population dynamics of immature Amblyomma maculatum (Acari: Ixodidae) and other ectoparasites of meadowlarkes and northern bobwhite quail resident to the coastal prairie of Texas
W. Szybalski1998Maintenance of human-fed live lice in the laboratory and production of Weigl's exanthematous typhus vaccine
R. H. Stranger, Palma R. L.1998Lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from some Australian birds
S. Solt1998Lice (Phthiraptera : Amblycera, Ischnocera) of raptors in Hungarian zoos and rehabilitation centers
M. D. Soler-Cruz, Martín-Mateo M. Paz1998Sensory equipment of the antennal flagellum of several species of Damalinia (Phthiraptera : Trichodectidae)
C. N. Smithers1998A Species List and Bibliography of the Insects Recorded from Norfolk Island
T. Silverstone1998Skin problems and parasites in children: 3--Head lice
A. Kumar Saxena, Surman, Singh, S. K., Kumar, A.1998Description of life history stages of poultry shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Menoponidae)
N. Saino, Calza, S., Møller, A. Pape1998Effects of a dipteran ectoparasite on immune response and growth trade-offs in barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, nestlings
J. Rékási1998Description of a new species of feather lice (Mallophaga) Philopterus hungaricus sp.n. from the wall creeper (Tichodroma muraria L., 1766) with additional notes on the description of Menacanthus tichodromae Rekasi, 1995.
J. Reiczigel, Rózsa L.1998Host-mediated site-segregation of ectoparasites: an individual-based simulation study
D. Raoult, Ndihokubwayo, J. B., Tissot-Dupont, H., Roux, V., Faugere, B., Abegbinni, R., Birtles, R. J.1998Outbreak of epidemic typhus associated with trench fever in Burundi
J. M. Pérez, Palma R. L.1998First records of species of the genus Nosopon Hopkins, 1950 (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in Spain
R. D. Price, Hellenthal R. A.1998Taxonomy of Philopterus (Phthiraptera : Philopteridae) from the Corvidae (Passeriformes), with descriptions of nine new species
P. Preiesov1998Survey of mallophaga (phthiraptera insecta) of poultry (Gallus domesticus) in stara zagora region (Bulgaria)
L. R. Polley, Wagner, B., Ward, T. I., Campbell, J. R.1998Effect of topical ivermectin and moxidectin for naturally acquired Damalinia bovis infestations in cattle treated under winter conditions in Canada
M. Inés Picollo, Vassena, C. V., Casadio, A. A., Massimo, J., Zerba, E. Nicolás1998Laboratory studies of susceptibility and resistance to insecticides in Pediculus capitis (Anoplura; Pediculidae)
T. W. Pennycott1998Lead poisoning and parasitism in a flock of mute swans (Cygnus olor) in Scotland
R. L. Palma, Price, R. D., Hellenthal, R. A.1998New synonymies and host records for lice of the genus Menacanthus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the Passeriformes (Aves)
R. D. M. Page, Lee, P. L. M., S. Becher, A., Griffiths, R., Clayton, D. H.1998A different tempo of mitochondrial evolution in birds and their parasitic lice
J. O. Ochanda, Oduor, E. A. C., Galun, R., Imbuga, M. O., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.1998Partial characterization and post-feeding activity of midgut aminopeptidase in the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
E. Mey1998Über den artbegriff bei Mallophagen (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
E. Mey1998Zur taxonomie, Lebensweise und parasitophyletischen evidenz der federlingsgattung Struthiolipeurus sensu lato (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Ischnocera)
S. Matthee, Horak, I. G., Meltzer, D. G. A.1998The distribution and seasonal changes of louse populations on impala Aepyceros melampus
D. M. Martill, Davis P. G.1998A feather with possible ectoparasite eggs from the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian) of Brazil
G. Manilla, Poggi, R., Pannunzio, G.1998Su alcuni mallofagi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria” di Genova (Insecta, Mallophaga)
W. D. Lord, DiZinno, J. A., Wilson, M. R., Budowle, B., Taplin, D., Meinking, T. Lynn1998Isolation, amplification, and sequencing of human mitochondrial DNA obtained from human crab louse, Pthirus pubis (L.), blood meals
A. K. Lindholm, Venter, G. J., Ueckermann, E. A.1998Persistence of passerine ectoparasites on the diederik cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius
P. Marcos Linardi, Barata, J. Maria Soar, Urbinatti, P. Roberto, de Souza, D., Botelho, J. Ramiro, De Maria, M.1998Infestation by Pediculus humanus (Anoplura: Pediculidae) in a metropolitan area of southeast Brazil
B. Kopociński, Lonc, E., Modrzejewska, M.1998Fitting a bivariate negative binomial model to the distribution of bird lice (Phthiraptera, Mallophaga) parasitizing the pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.)
D. Jones1998The neglected saliva: medically important toxins in the saliva of human lice
K. G. I. Jayawardena, Heller-Haupt, A., Woodland, R. M., Varma, M. G. R.1998Antigens of the sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Ragsdale, D. W.1998Serum and skin surface antibodies and their associations with sheep biting lice, Bovicola ovis, on experimentally infested sheep
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Brown, D. R.1998Seasonal dynamics and variation among sheep in densities of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1998Pruritis and dermal response to insect antigens in sheep infested with Bovicola ovis
J. Ibarra, Hall D. M. B.1998Head lice in schoolchildren
H. Hoi, Darolová, A., Konig, C., Krištofík, J.1998The relation between colony size, breeding density and ectoparasite loads of adult European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
J. E. Himstreet1998Treatment of head lice and scabies
C. A. Hill, Pinnock D. E.1998Histopathological effects of Bacillus thuringiensis on the alimentary canal of the sheep louse, Bovicola ovis
A. R. B. Higgs, Morcombe, P. W., Love, R. A., Young, G. E.1998Further evidence that zinc sulphate compromises the efficacy of dipping treatments using diazinon to control sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
E. D. Green, Baker C.1998Functional micromorphology of the rare equid sucking louse Ratemia squamulata
P. C. Gotzsche1998Body lice
M. E. Gompper, Williams E. S.1998Parasite conservation and the black-footed ferret recovery program
M. S. Gomez1998Two Anoplura species from rodents in Chile: Hoplopleura andina Castro, 1981 (Hoplopleuridae) from Geoxus valdivianus (Cricetidae) and Eulinognathus chilensis n.sp. (Polyplacidae) from Abrocoma bennetti (Abrocomidae)
S. K. Garg, Katoch, R., Bhushan, C.1998Efficacy of flumethrin pour-on against Damalinia caprae of goats (Capra hircus)
J. Figueroa, Hall, S., Ibarra, J.1998Primary health care guide to common UK parasitic diseases
L. A. Durden, Robbins, R. G., Azad, A. F., Hopla, C. E., Johnson, P. True, Rothschild, M.1998Robert Traub (1916-1996)
M. M. A. de Doucet, Miranda, M. B., Bertolotti, M. A.1998Infectivity of entomogenous nematodes (Steinernematidae and heterorhabditidae) to Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer (Anoplura : Pediculidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith