
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. O. Whitaker, Jr., Frech T. W.1982Ectoparasites and other associates of some insectivores and rodents from New Brunswick (Canada)
Z. Wegner1966Wszy -Anoplura.
S. von Kéler1967Über einige Mallophagen und Läuse aus der Mongolei. Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen seit 1962, nr. 29
V. I. Volkov, Zarubina, V. N., Chernykh, P. A.1977On the Fauna and Ecology of Lice from small mammals of Priamurje
V. I. Volkov, Dolgikh, A. M., Katsko, V. I., Zarubina, V. N., Prasolova, N. N.1978Ectoparasites of small mammals from the north-eastern part of Baikal-Amur Railway
J. J. Turyanin1962K voprosu o faune Mallophaga i Anoplura nekotorykh teplokrovnykh zivotnykh Karpat
K. Touleshkov1957Anoplura on undomesticated mammals in Bulgaria
G. B. Thompson1939A check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites recorded from British birds and mammals. Part I Mammals (excluding bats)
N. Szczesniak1963Badania nad ektoparazytofauna (Anoplura) drobnych ssaków na terenie bieszczadów
S. F. Srivastva, Wattal B. L.1973Studies on the distribution of ectoparasites and their vertebrate hosts in Urban, Semi-Urban (Peripheral) and sylvatic zones of Nagpur city and neighbouring areals (Maharashtra-India)
G. J. Spencer1966Anoplura from British Columbia and some adjacent areas
A. Smetana1964Lice of small mammals in Czechoslovakia and their relationship to their hosts
G. D. Sergienko1967K faune Anoplura levobereznoi stepi UkrSSR
H. Scherf1974The bionomy and ecology of the parasites of various small mammals in the montane region of the nature preserve "Hoher Vogelsberg": 1. The Anoplura
V. Rupes1965Kurzer Beitrag zum Erkennen der Milben und parasitären Insekten der Nagetiere Apodemus flavicollis und Clethrionomys glareolus aus der Umgebung von Prag
R. T. Rao, Dhanda, V., Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1973Abstract: A survey of Haematophagus arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and hill districts of West Bengal: a general account
V. Popov1977Some data on the lice fauna (Siphunculata) of small mammals in the Tyumen Oblast
N. A. Nikulina1978On the fauna of lice (Anoplura) from small mammals of the Charskaya Hollow
M. Mrciak1967Acari, Anoplura a Aphaniptera Blatenskej nizrny pod Vihorlatom
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
R. Mehl1970Records of ectoparasitic insects and mites on birds and mammals in Norway
V. Mahnert1971Parasitologische Untersuchungen an alpinen Kleinsäugern: Anoplura (Insecta)
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1982Host Specifity in Anoplura and Coevolution of Anoplura and Mammalia
J. M. Lapina1959Izucenie ektoparazitov melkikh lesnykh mlekopitauyuscikh Laviiskoj SSR
N. V. Kulik1967Predvaritelnyi obzor materialov po vsam (Anoplura) gryzunov G.D.R.
V. Lyman Kellogg, Ferris G. Floyd1915Anoplura and Mallophaga of north American Mammals.
R. Haitlinger1981Structure of arthropod community occurring on Microtus arvalis in various habitats: 1. Faunistic differentiation, dominance structure, arthropod infestation intensiveness in relation to habitats and host population dynamics
A. R. Grinbergs1961Ectoparasites on Arvicola terrestris L. as epidemiologic elements in natural nidi of tularemia in the Latvian SSR
D. Gill, Strandtmann R. W.1977Ectoparasites of the Collared Lemming (Dicrostonyx torquytus) on Bathurst Island, N.W.T., Canada
V. Č. erný1959Die Läuse (Anoplura) der Kleinsäuger des Riesengebirges
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
E. F. Cook1958Hoplopleura acanthopus, on Microtus pennsylvanicus, H. hesperomydis on Peromyscus maniculatus, seasonal variation in louse population
P. Brinck1948Anoplura: chapter IX.
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I. T. Arzamasov, Labetskaya, A. G., Kraevskaya, L. I.1982Ectoparasites of mouse-like rodents in mixed oak forests of the central geobotanical subzone of the Belorussian SSR (USSR)
I. T. Arzamasov, Krayewskaya, L., Viyehas, A., Labetskaya, A. H., Sukhnyuva, I. V.1983Infestaion of small mammals by blood-sucking arthropods in the oak Forest of Polesye
I. T. Arzamasaw, Labetskaya, A. G., Krayevskaya, L.1981Ectoparasites of Muridae in oak-grove and bilberry spruce woods of the hornbeam-oak dark corniferous subzone of the Belorussian SSR, USSR
I. T. Arzamasaw, Krayewskaya, L., Viyehas, A., Labetskaya, A. H., Sukhnyuva, I. V.1983Infestaion of small mammals by blood-sucking arthropods in the oak Forest of Polesye
I. T. Arzamasaw, Krayevskaya, L. I., Labetskaya, A. G.1982Ectoparasites of mouse-like rodents in mixed oak forests of the central geobotanical subzone of the Belorussian SSR (USSR)
V. Artz1975Zur Synökologie der Ektoparasitem von Kleinsäugern in Norddeutschland (Siphonaptera, Phthiraptera, Acarina, Coleoptera: Leptinidae)
G. Arlt1963Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen über Ektoparasiten an Kleinsäugern im Gebiet von Greifswald
O. F. Andreiko, Pincuk L. M.1963Ektoparazity nekotorykh mysevidnykh gryzunov Moldavii i ikh epidemiologiceske znacenie
S. Andersone1963Ectoparasites on water rats in Latvia
V. L. Adamovich1970The lice Anoplura of small animals from natural foci of tularemia in the Volhynian Polesye/SSR
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith