
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. E. Aldous1943Sharp-tailed grouse in the Sand Dune Country of North-Central North Dakota
M. A. R. Ansari1943Mallophaga found on domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus Linn. in the Punjab
E. H. Barger, Card L. E.1943Diseases and parasites of poultry
J. F. Bell, Chalgren W. S.1943Some wildlife diseases in the Eastern United States
J. Charles Bequaert1943Notes on Hippoboscidae. 16. Hippoboscidae from southern Brazil with the description of a new species of Lynchia
Y. Biraud1943The present menace of typhus fever in Europe and the means of controlling it
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky, Bregetova, N. G., Monchadsky, A. S.1943New deterrent substances for protecting man against attacks of mosquitoes
J. R. Busvine1943Control of the head louse
J. R. Busvine1943The toxicity of some common fumigants to body lice.
T. Clay1943Bird lice from the Tinamidae
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1943The relationship between Mallophaga and hippoboscid flies
C. Conci1943Nota sul genere Fastigatosculum Kéler e ridescrizione del F. acuticeps Neum.
C. M. Crutchfield, Hixson H.1943Food habits of several species of poultry lice with special reference to blood consumption
J. Davidson1943The time required for the eggs of the body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis De Geer) to develop and hatch at different temperatures
H. Ehlich1943Die Biologie der Kleiderlaus in Zahlen
W. Eichler1943Notulae Mallophagologicae VII. Neue Gattungen und Arten von Papageifederlingen
W. Eichler1943Die Mallophagengattung Columbicola Ewing: II. Die Columbicolinae und ihre Wirte
W. Eichler1943Ergänzungen zu der Arbeit von Wd. Eichler über "Die Mallophagengattung Columbicola Ewing"
W. Eichler1943Mallophagen-Synopsis VI. Genus Lymeon
W. Eichler1943Mallophagen-Synopsis. IX. Genus Holomenopon
W. Eichler1943Tetrophthalmus vigua nov. spec., ein Federling aus der Mundhöhle von Phalacrocorax olivaceus
W. Eichler1943Mallophagen-Synopsis VII. Genus Trinoton
W. Eichler1943Notulae Mallophagologicae. IX. Oedicnemiceps n. gen. und andere interessante Federling von bemerkenswerten Wirten
W. Eichler1943Mallophagen-Synopsis. X. Genus Degeeriella
W. Eichler1943Notulae Mallophagologicae VI. Über acht meist neue Federlingsarten aus Südamerika
W. Eichler1943Balkan-Mallophagen. I. Genus Laemobothrion
W. Eichler1943Notulae Mallophagologicae. X. Anseriphilus nov. gen. und andere Neuerungen bei amblyceren Federlingen
G. B. Fairchild1943An annotated list of the blood-sucking insects, ticks and mites known from Panama
R. Gamlin1943Control of head lice
L. R. Guimarães1943Sobre alguns gêneros e especies de Heptapsogasteridae (Mallophaga). III
L. R. Guimarães1943Contribuiçao para o conhecimento dos Malofagos das aves da Argentina
A. Buell Gurney1943A Synopsis of the Psocids of the Tribe Psyllipsocini, including the Description of an Unusual New Genus from Arizona (Corrodentia: Empheriidae: Empheriinae)
C. R. Hathaway1943Associacão entre Mallophaga e Hippoboscidae
G. H. E. Hopkins1943New African Mallophaga -- Part II
G. H. E. Hopkins1943Mallophaga and the phylogeny of their hosts
G. H. E. Hopkins1943Notes on Trichodectidae (Mallophaga)
J. George Matthysse, Schwardt H. H.1943Substitutes for Rotenone in Cattle Louse Control
J. A. Munro, Telford H. S.1943Winter control of cattle lice
O. W. Olsen, Fenstermacher R.1943The helminths of north american deer with special reference to those of the white tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus borealis, in Minnesota
C. Overgaard1943Mallophaga from gallinaceous birds
A. V. Psechinov1943A universal method for studying infections transmitted to man by bloodsucking insects
W. Reichmuth1943Zur Arbeistrichtung und Versuchstechnik in der Läuseforschung. Eine neue Methode zur biologischen Prüfung chemischer Stoffe auf prophylaktisch-insektizide Eigenschaften
F. Richardson1943Mallophaga on young white pelicans
M. Rindfleisch-Seyfarth1943Durch Mallophagen (Federlinge) hervorgerufenes Ekzem der gesamten Rumpfoberfläche bei einer Hausgans
H. Sikora1943Meine Erfahrungen bei der Läusezucht
E. Withrow Stafford1943Algunos Mallophaga Venezolanos
C. R. Twinn, MacNay C. C.1943The control of pediculosis and scabies
G. L. van Eyndhoven1943In memoriam Dr. A. C. Oudemans 12 Nov. 1858 - 14 Jan. 1943
H. L. Van Volkenberg, Nicholson A. J.1943Parasitism and malnutrition of deer in Texas
S. von Kéler1943Ueber brasilianische Mallophagen. 3. Beitrag.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith