
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. H. Abrahamovich, Cicchino A. Conrado1987Identificación de los huevos de las especies del género Vernoniella Guimaraes 1942 (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) sobre la base de la morfología coriónica
P. G. Allingham1987Phoresy involving a nymph of Haematopinus eurysternus (Nitzsch) and Haematobia irritans exigua DeMeijere
I. T. Arzamasaw1987Blood-sucking arthropods of mammals in the Western Dvina District (USSR)
I. T. Arzamasov1987Blood-sucking arthropods of mammals in the Western Dvina District (USSR)
K. Awan1987Argon laser phototherapy of phthiriasis
R. W. Baron, Weintraub J.1987Immunological responses to parasitic arthropods
C. M. Bartlett, Anderson R. C.1987Pelecitus fulicaeatrae (Nematoda, Filarioidea) of coots (Gruiformes) and grebes (Podicipediformes) - skin inhabiting microfilariae and development in Mallophaga
N. Berry1987The 'louse on the locks of literature', Collins, John, Churton - Kearney, A
D. Boucharine, Valade, M., Karch, S.1987[Comparison of a new insecticide Talstar PL 85-239 with various pediculicides against the human louse.]
J. G. Bowerman, Gomez, M. P., Austin, R. D., Wold, D. E.1987Comparative study of permethrin 1-percent creme rinse and lindane shampoo for the treatment of head lice
P. Boyle1987Pilot study of the prevalence of head lice infestation in a population of Saudi Arabian children
D. A. Burns1987The treatment of Phthirus pubis infestation of the eyelashes
D. A. Burns1987Action of cotrimoxazole on head lice
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino A. Conrado1987Lista referencial de los Anoplura y Mallophaga (Insecta) conocidos como parasitos de Mamiferos en la Argentina
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino A. Conrado1987Resultados de una colecta de Mallophaga (Insecta) del Lago Pellegrini, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino, A. Conrado, Torres-Mura, J. C.1987Estudio descriptivo y comparativo de Gyropus parvus (Mallophaga), parasito de roedores octodontoideos
Ddel Carmen Castro, Mauri, R. A., Cicchino, A. Conrado, Mosquera, S.1987Ectoparasitos de roedores de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Acarina, Anoplura, Mallophaga y Suctoria)
B. Chaniotis, Méndez E.1987Outline of principal diseases transmitted by insects in Panama
J. C. Choe, Kim K. Chung1987Ectoparasites of the pelagic cormorant, Phalacrocorax pelagicus, from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska
J. C. Choe, Kim K. Chung1987Community structure of arthropod ectoparasites on Alaskan seabirds
A. Conrado Cicchino1987Contribución al conocimiento de los malófagos argentinos. XVII. Presencia del género Bonomiella Conci, 1942 en la República Argentina (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1987Nuevos hospedadores para Myrsidea psittaci Carriker 1955 (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1987Una nueva especie del genero Brueelia Keler 1936 (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), parasita de Turdus amaurochalinus Cabanis (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino, Abrahamovich A. H.1987A new species of Trochiloecetes Paine & Mann 1913 (Insecta: Phthiraptera, Amblycera), and features of the eggs of two species of this genus
C. Cordero, Zaias N.1987Clinical evaluation of pediculicidal and ovicidal efficacy of two pyrethrin-piperonyl-butoxide formulations
S. Demarais, Jacobson, H. A., Guynn, D. C.1987Effects of season and area on ectoparasites of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Mississippi
R. H. L. Disney1987Are "pragmatypes" acceptable?
L. A. Durden1987Interspecific associations between epifaunistic arthropods on the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus, and an overview of athropod coexistance on mammals in general
L. A. Durden1987The genus Polyplax (Anoplura, Polyplacidae) in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with the description of a new species
J. Durno1987Jumping louse hits wonder tree
W. Eichler1987Aspects of the evolution of side-branch groups from the standpoint of Mallophaga research
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1987New records of chewing lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) found on North American wild foxes North of Mexico
I. A. Fedorenko1987Subfamily Philopterinae
I. A. Fedorenko, Lunkaschu M. I.1987A new species of bird louse of the genus Menacanthus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the mistle-thrush (Turdus viscivorus L.)
L. J. Fourie, Horak, I. G., Visser, E.1987Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the parasite burdens of rock dassies (Procavia capensis Pallas, 1766) in the Mountain Zebra National Park
J. A. Fowler, Furness R. W.1987A genus of feather louse new to the manx shearwater Puffinus p. puffinus
J. A. Fowler, Price R. A.1987A comparitive study of the ischnoceran Mallophaga of Wilson's Petrel Oceanites oceanicus and British Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
J. Gallego, Martín-Mateo, M. Paz, Aguirre-Marti, J. Maria1987Malofagos de rapaces espanolas. II. Las especies del genero Craspedorrhynchus Keler, 1938 parasitas de falconiformes, con descripcion de tres especies nuevas
C. A. Garcia, Canaris A. G.1987Metazoan parasites of Recurvirostra americana Gmelin (Aves), from southwestern Texas and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado, with a checklist of helminth parasites hosted by by this species in North America
C. Ramón Bau Garfias1987Arthropod reactions to the immune response of hosts
M. S. Hafner, Hafner, J. C., Patton, J. L., Smith, M. F.1987Macrogeographic patterns of genetic differentiation in the pocket gopher Thomomys umbrinus
R. Haitlinger1987Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acari) occurring in Poland on Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) (Mammalia, Insectivora)
R. Haitlinger1987Arthropods (Siphonaptera, Anoplura, Acari) occurring in Poland on Spermophilus suslicus (Gueldenstaedt, 1770) (Mammalia, Rodentia)
A. Halle, Sloas D. D.1987Percutaneous organophosphate poisoning
I. G. Horak1987Arthropod parasites of some wild animals in South Africa and Namibia
I. G. Horak1987Parasites of very young goats from birth to one year of age
I. G. Horak1987Ectoparasites of mountain reedbuck
L. C. Kaler1987Screening for head lice in pediatric dental patients
D. C. Kalter, Sperber, J., Rosen, T., Matarasso, S.1987Treatment of pediculosis pubis. Clinical comparison of efficacy and tolerance to 1% lindane shampoo vs 1% permethrin creme rinse
J. Kassner, Złotorzycka J.1987Problems in preparing the antennal sensilla of insects for scanning studies


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith