
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
P. Weindling1995Between bacteriology and virology: the development of typhus vaccines between the First and Second World Wars
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P. Weindling1997Die deutsche Wahrnehmung des Fleckfiebers als Bedrohung aus dem Osten im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg
W. Paukstadt2004Ectoparasites are not a rarity in Germany, too. Lice and scabies alert!
R. W. Bunn1953Effectiveness of DDT in the control of body lice in Germany
G. Hoffman1983Epidemiology and control of pediculosis capitis infestation in the Federal Republic of Germany
P. Kimmig1983Head lice. Biology, medical significance and control
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W. Eichler1981In memory of Guenter Timmermann (scientific historical study of the controversy the Fahrenholz principle)
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E. Mey2003Johann Matthäus Bechstein (1757-1822): 'Vater der deutschen Vogelkunde'?
R. Ribbeck1972Occurrence of ectoparasites in a large-scale dairy cattle establishment
F. Weyer1966On the history of the discovery of the agent of spotted fever
S. Broekhuizen1971On the occurrence of hare lice, Haemodipsus spp-(Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) on hares, Lepus europaeus, in the Netherlands
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G. Walter1989Phoresy and hyperparasitism in Ornithomya (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) in the Federal Republic of Germany
L. Geyer1970Phthirii in the hair of a small child. Review and case report
I. M. Damriyasa, Failing, K., Volmer, R., Zahner, H., Bauer, C.2004Prevalence, risk factors and economic importance of infestations with Sarcoptes scabiei and Haematopinus suis in sows of pig breeding farms in Hesse, Germany
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O. Hecht1929Über insektenstiche
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith