
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. Złotorzycka1973Eine neue Art der Gattung Menacanthus Neum. (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)
J. Złotorzycka1973Systematische Stellung und Wirt-parasit-beziehungen beim Myrsideen-komplex der mitteleuropäischen Corviden
C. F. Weisser, Kim K. Chung1973Rediscovery of Solenopotes tarandi (Mjoberg, 1915) (Linognathidae: Anoplura), with ectoparasites of the barren ground caribou
R. A. Ward, Downey J. C.1973Checklist of the Mallophaga of Midway Atoll, Pacific Ocean
M. C. Voicu1973Contribuții la răspândirea malofagelor (Mallophaga Nitzsch) din România
G. Vauk1973Beobachtungen am Seehund (Phoca vitulina) auf Helgoland
K. Uchikava1973Parasites of mammals and birds of Nagano Prefecture, Japan, Part 1
J. E. Uberlaker, Payne, E., Allison, V. F., Moore, D. V.1973Scanning Electron microscopy of the human pubic louse, Pthirus pubus (Linnaeus, 1758)
J. E. Thornton, Galvin, T. J., Bell, R. R.1973Parasites of the blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra) in Texas
G. B. Thompson1973Badger fleas and lice
J. Tendeiro1973Estudos sobre Malofagos. Alguns Columbicola da Tailândia, com descrição de uma nova especie, C. fradeorum n. sp., parasita da Streptopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck)
J. Tendeiro1973Études sur les Mallophages. Description d'une nouvelle espéce Australienne du genre Columbicola Ewing: C. mckeani n. sp. parasite d' Ocyphaps lophotes (Temminck)
J. Tendeiro1973Estudos sobre os Goniodideos (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) dos Columbiformes. XIII - Nova espécie do género Coloceroides Tendeiro, 1972.
J. Tendeiro1973Estudos sobre os Goniodídeos (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) dos Columbiformes. XIV - Género Coloceras Taschenberg, 1882.
B. Kishore Tandan1973The genus Esthiopterum (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera)
S. Takahashi1973Insects of medical importance in Ogasawara Bonin Islands Japan
M. Takahashi, Mihara, M., Ohtaki, T., Mori, K.1973Lethal effects of synthetic analogues of juvenile hormone on the body louse (Ped. h. corporis)
W. H. Stephens1973Lice in cattle
S. F. Srivastva, Wattal B. L.1973Studies on the distribution of ectoparasites and their vertebrate hosts in Urban, Semi-Urban (Peripheral) and sylvatic zones of Nagpur city and neighbouring areals (Maharashtra-India)
E. F. Sosnina, Davydov G. S.1973Lice (Anoplura) of jerboa (Dipodidae: Mammalia) in the Tadzhik SSR
E. F. Sosnina, Davydov G. S.1973Anoplura of Lagomorpha (Mammalia) of Tajikistan
A. Singh, Chabra R.1973Incidence of arthropod pests of domestical animals and birds
R. C. H. Shepherd, Edmonds J. W.1973Observations of ectoparasites of the wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuninculus (L.) in the Weribee district of Victoria
M. Schenone, Falah, F., Villarroel, F., Rojas, A., Széksly, R., Rajo, M., Palomino, H.1973La infestación por Pediculus humanus capitis en Santiago de Chili
H. Schenone, Falaha, F., Villarroel, F., Rojas, A., Szekely, R., Rojo, M., Palomino, H.1973The infestation by Pediculus humanus capitits in Santiago, Chile
U. Göllner-Scheiding1973Verzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen von Stefan von Kéler
U. Göllner-Scheiding1973Katalog der im Zoologischen Museum Berlin vorhandenen Mallophagentypen
J. Rékási1973Magyarországi madarak tolltetvei (Mallophaga). I.
N. C. Ronald, Wagner J. E.1973Pediculosis of spider monkeys: a case report with zoonotic implications
V. B. Meyer-Rochow1973Edible insects in three different ethnic groups of Papua and New Guinea
V. H. Resh, Whittaker F. H.1973Records of Hippoboscid flies and other ectoparasites from cattle egrets in Puerto Rico
W. K. Reisen, Troy L. B.1973An ectoparasite survey of Dipodomys ordii (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) from central Oklahoma
R. T. Rao, Dhanda, V., Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1973Abstract: A survey of Haematophagus arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and hill districts of West Bengal: a general account
R. D. Price1973Book review: a revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occuring on Passeriformes (Aves)
F. Piotrowski1973Rzadziej notowane Phthiraptera z duzych ssakow woj. gdanskiego
F. Piotrowski1973Taxonomic criteria and problems of species within Phthiraptera
F. Piotrowski1973Kryteria taksonomiczne i problem gatunku u Phthiraptera. (Taxonom. Kriterien und Probleme der Phthiraptera-Arten)
R. L. Palma1973Sobre algunos Mallophaga de aves de la Republica Argentina (Insecta)
R. L. Palma1973Notas sobre el "complejo Colpocephalum" sobre aves Argentinas
Z. Ono, Takada N.1973Rat lice in Tohoku Area Japan
Z. Ono, Takada N.1973Murine lice of northern part of Honshu, Japan
Z. Ono1973Ectoparasites from small mammals in the Nopporo forest parc near Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
J. Mueller1973Pubic lice from the scalp hair: a report of two cases
A. C. Mishra, Kaul H. N.1973Hoplopleura cutchicus, n. sp. and Polyplax cutchicus, n. sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasitizing Rattus (Cremnomys) cutchicus (Wroughton) in India
E. Mey1973Die Dreizehenmöwe, Rissa tridactyla (L.), in Thüringen
E. Mey1973Zum Vorkommen der Beutelmeise, Remiz pendulinus (L.), in Thüringen
E. Mey1973Zum Vorkommen der Pieper und Stelzen (Motacillidae) bei Eisenach
E. Mey1973Grünfink, Carduelis chloris (L.), brütet unter Bahnsteigüberdachung
E. Mey1973Brutnachweis vom Birkhuhn im Thüringer Wald
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1973Especies españolas de Menoponidae (Mallophaga: Insecta) parásitas de aves deomésticas en España


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith