
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the Species of Mallophaga described from Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes (Phoenicopteri)
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from Falconiformes
G. B. Thompson1937A list of the Denny collection of Mallophaga in the British Museum (Natural History) and their hosts
G. B. Thompson1937A new genus and species of Mallophaga (Subfamily Esthiopterinae) from a petrel
F. Henry Wilson1937A new species of Philopterus (Mallophaga) from the long-billed curlew
H. Ellsworth Ewing1937A new species of the Anopluran genus Scipio
V. Redikorzev1937A parasite of Sciuropterus volans L.
F. Leoni Werneck1937Algumas especies e subspecies novas de Anoplura
L. R. Guimarães, Lane F.1937Contribuicoes para o conhecimento das Mallophagas das aves do Brasil. VI Novas especies parasitas de Tinamiformes
J. H. Thierry1937Contribution towards elucidation of aetiology of phlyctenular affections
J. Maltbaek1937Danske lus og pelslus
G. Schölzel1937Die Embryologie der Anopluren und Mallophagen
N. J. B. Plomley, Thompson G. B.1937Distribution of biting lice
J. Maltbaek1937Ectoparasites from Hyrax shoana
S. von Kéler1937Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mallophagen des Rebhuhnes (Perdix perdix Linn.)
W. Eichler1937Einige Bemerkungen zur Ernährung und Eiablage der Mallophagen
A. K. Springholz-Schmidt1937Ektoparazity nekotorych vidaov dal`nevostocnych olenej
G. B. Thompson1937Further notes on the association of Hypoboscidae and Mallophaga. II. Mallophaga associated with insects other than Hippoboscidae
L. von Boxberger, Dathe, H., Eichler, W., Hildebrandt, H., Kummerlöwe, H., Sick, H., Stresemann, E.1937Handbuch der Deutschen Vogelkunde Band I: Passeres
M. Imes1937Hog lice and hog mange. Methods of control and eradication
Spencer, G. J.1937Letter to Thompson, Gordon B.
T. Clay1937Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
T. Clay1937Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
G. H. E. Hopkins1937Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
J. Maltbaek1937Lice from foreign mammals in Danish collections
F. Henry Wilson1937Lice on hibernating and non-hibernating mammals
L. J. S. Harrison1937Mallophaga and Siphunculata. Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14. Under the leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson, O.B.E., B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S
T. Clay1937Mallophaga from the Tinamidae
M. A. Cazier1937Nervous system and sense organs. LXVII. Anoplura
F. Leoni Werneck1937Nota sobre Pediculus mjöbergi Gerris (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
F. Leoni Werneck1937Notas para o estudo da ordem Mallophaga
G. B. Thompson1937Notes on Mallophaga. V.
F. Leoni Werneck1937Nova especie do genero Cummingsia (Mallophaga: Trimenoponidae)
F. Leoni Werneck1937Sobre uma segunda especie do genero Monothoracius (Mallophaga: Gyropidae)
G. B. Thompson1937The Esthiopterinae (Mallophaga) parasitic on Pelecaniformes
P. Alfred Buxton1937The numbers of males and females in natural populations of head-lice.(Pediculus humanus capitis De G.: Anoplura)
G. B. Thompson1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XI. Records of Ornithomyia spp. (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) from british birds
G. B. Thompson1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XIV. Records of Mallophaga from birds
G. B. Thompson1937The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part I
G. B. Thompson1937The Piaget collection of Mallophaga. Part II
R. O. Malcomson1937Two new Mallophaga
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1937Two remarkable new mallophagan genera from the Columbidae
S. von Kéler1937Zur Nomenklatur einiger Mallophagengenera
S. von Kéler1937Über einige neue und interessantere Mallophagen des Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts in Berlin-Dahlem
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith