
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
P. J. James, Mitchell, H. K., Cockrum, K. S., Ancell, P. M. C.1994Controlled release insecticide devices for protection of sheep against head strike caused by Lucilia cuprina
L. J. Fourie, Vrahimis, S., Horak, I. G., Terblanche, H. J., Kok, O. B.1991Ecto- and endoparasites of introduced gemsbok in the Orange Free State
J. Krištofík, Masan, P., Sustek, Z.1996Ectoparasites of bee-eater (Merops apiaster) and arthropods in its nests
A. Poiani1992Ectoparasitism as a possible cost of sociallife - a comparative analysis using Australian Passerines (Passeriformes)
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae)
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae) - Erratum
J. B. Ndihokubwayo, Raoult D.1999Epidemic typhus in Africa
A. J. Lymbery, Dadour I. R.1999Genetic structure of the Bovicola ovis (Mallophaga : Trichodectidae) in southwestern Australia
E. Yensen, Baird, C. R., Sherman, P. W.1996Larger ectoparasites of the Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus)
V. K. Saxena1988Morphometric variation in wild population of louse Polyplax stephensi and its value in taxonomy
I. G. Horak, Knight, M. M., Williams, E. J.1991Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXVIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of angora goats and kids in valley bushveld
L. A. Durden1992Parasitic arthropods of sympatric meadow voles and white-footed mice at Fort Detrick, Maryland
J. W. Demastes, Hafner, M. S., Hafner, D. J., Spradling, T. A.1998Pocket gophers and chewing lice: a test of the maternal transmission hypothesis
P. M. Thompson, Corpe, H. M., Reid, R. J.1998Prevalence and intensity of the ectoparasite Echinophthirius horridus on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina): effects of host age and inter-annual variability in host food availability
L. Rózsa, Rékási, J., Reiczigel, J.1996Relationship of host coloniality to the population ecology of avian lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
S. Chandra, Agarwal, G. P., Singh, S. P. N., Saxena, A. Kumar1990Seasonal changes in a population of Menacanthus eurysternus (Mallophaga, Amblycera) on the common myna Acridotheres tristis
D. Mimouni, Ankol, O. E., Gdalevich, M., Grotto, I., Davidovitch, N., Zangvil, E.2002Seasonality trends of Pediculosis capitis and Phthirus pubis in a young adult population: follow-up of 20 years
D. Raoult, Birtles, R. J., Montoya, M., Pérez, E., Tissot-Dupont, H., Roux, V., Guerra, H.1999Survey of three bacterial louse-associated diseases among rural Andean communities in Peru: prevalence of epidemic typhus, trench fever, and relapsing fever
L. E. O. Braack, Horak, I. G., Jordaan, L. C., Segerman, J., Louw, J. P.1996The comparative host status of red veld rats (Aethomys chrysophilus) and bushveld gerbils (Tatera leucogaster) for epifaunal arthropods in the southern Kruger National Park, South Africa
H. Hoi, Darolová, A., Konig, C., Krištofík, J.1998The relation between colony size, breeding density and ectoparasite loads of adult European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith