
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
T. D. Galloway2003"NYAH! What's up Doc?" Why is the sucking louse, Haematodipsus setoni (Anoplura: Polyplacidae), an ectoparasite of eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae), in Mmanitoba?
P. Fritsch1970"Phthiriasis"
C. O'Mahony2000"Sidies"
J. Krištofík, Lysy J.1990(Anoplura) of small earth mammals in chosen localities of South Western Slovakia
L. Freund193513. Ordnung. Läuse. Anoplura
C. Pisică19962. Ordinul Mallophaga Nitzsch, 1818
C. Pisică19963. Ordinul Anoplura Lucas, 1840
G. Varela19675 years of experience in keeping Pediculus humanus colonies in the laboratory
W. Eichler1945[Manuscript review] Bouvier, G. 1945. Note sur quelques oeufs d'ectoparasites de rencontrant sur les animaux domestiques (Anoplura et Mallophaga)
D. P. Britt, Molyneux D. H.1979`Parasites of grey squirrels in Cheshire, England
J. A. Arkwright, Bacot A. W.1921A bacillary infection of the copulatory apparatus of Pediculus humanus
Anonymous2004A better way to treat head lice?
L. Und1952A bibliography of the Anoplura or sucking lice
B. K. Behura, Bohidar, B. C., Naik, B. C.1983A biostatical analysis of sex difference in Pediculus humanus capitis (Siphunculata, Pediculidae)
E. Csiki1905A bivalytetürol
T. A. Younis, Montasser M. F.1991A case of cervical lymphadenopathy due to pediculosis
A. H. Andrews, McEwen J. C.1970A case of lice infestation (Linognathus setosus)
Y. Y. Du1983A case of Phthirus pubis of the eyelid
R. Speare, Koehler J. M.2001A case of pubic lice resistant to pyrethrins
Z. Shan Chang1990A case of public louse (Pthirus pubis) on the eyelash of a chld
C. H. Shen, Zheng, S. Z., Cui, C. Q.2004A case report of Phthirus pubis infestation of eyelids in an infant
S. Esmerligil1994A case report: pthiriazis palpebraum
G. B. Thompson1939A check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites recorded from British birds and mammals. Part I Mammals (excluding bats)
D. A. Burns, Sims T. A.1988A closer look at Pthirus pubis
W. P. Meleney, Kim K. Chung1974A comparative study of cattle-infesting Haematopinus, with redescription of H. quadripertusus Fahrenholz, 1916 (Anoplura: Haematopinidae)
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino, A. Conrado, de Villalobos, C.1991A comparative study of the external chorionic architecture of the eggs of some neotropical species of the genus Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904 (Phthiraptera, Anoplura)
D. V. Canyon, Speare R.2007A comparison of botanical and synthetic substances commonly used to prevent head lice (Pediculus humanus var. capitis) infestation
D. F. Coyner, Wooding, J. B., Forrester, D. J.1996A comparison of parasitic helminths and arthropods from two subspecies of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) in Florida
M. Kohn, Sterba J.1987A comparison of some diagnostic features of Hoplopleura acanthopus and Hoplopleura edentula (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) under scanning electron microscope
M. J. Ineson1954A comparison of the parasites of wild and domestic pigs in New Zealand
A. W. Bacot1917A contribution to the bionomics of Pediculus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitus
C. G. Burkhart2005A dermatologist's response to the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines on Head Lice
W. W. Barnes, Elridge, B. F., Greenberg, J. H., Vivona, S.1962A field evaluation of malathion dust for the control of body lice
T. A. Morsy, El-Ghazali S. M.1999A four years old girl with phthiriasis pubis infestation
G. H. Cannon1922A further account of the spermatogenesis of lice
J. Smart1965A handbook for the identification of insects of medical importance
H. Goudard1935A la recherche des Poux
Anonymous1997A large outbreak of epidemic louse-borne typhus in Burundi
W. J. Voss1966A lectotype designation for Hoplopleura pacifica Ewing (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae)
W. Evans1913A list of Anoplura obtained in the Forth area
J. D. Baird1990A louse and a flea, a source for Johnson Rejoinder
C. Sadler2000A lousy problem
H. Ellsworth Ewing1929A Manual of External Parasites
J. C. Parker, Holliman R. B.1972A method for determining ectoparasite densities on gray squirrels
C. F. Weisser1975A monograph of the Linognathidae, Anoplura: Insecta (excluding the genus Prolinognathus)
J. Waterston1917A new African louse (Polyplax calva, n.sp.) from Cricetomys
T. - H. Chin1975A new genus and species of Anoplura from China (Hoplopleuridae: Polyplacinae)
O. G. Babcock, Ewing H. Ellsworth1938A new genus and species of Anoplura from the peccary
E. Mjöberg1925A new genus of sucking lice
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1974A new Polyplax species and records of sucking lice (Anoplura) from Madagascar


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith