
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
J. C. Faure1946A plea for brevity - and sanity - in zoological nomenclature
C. Io1946A study on human lice
W. Eichler1946Acta Mallophagologica: Lieferung 15
W. Eichler1946Acta Mallophagologica: Lieferung 16
W. Eichler1946Acta Mallophagologica: Lieferung 17
N. M. Randolph, Eads R. B.1946An Ectoparasitic Survey of Mammals from Lavaca County, Texas
E. Arthur Steinhaus1946Bacteriumlike and Rickettsialike symbiotes: Mallophaga
J. George Matthysse1946Cattle Lice: their biology and control
R. M. D. Zavaleta1946Dos nuevas especies de la familia Gyropidae encontradas en los cuyes de Mexico
C. Conci1946Due nuovi generi di Goniodidae dei Galliformes e nota sul genere Archigoniodes Eichler
W. Eichler1946Ein Haarling beim Wisent
G. H. Culpepper1946Factors influencing the rearing and maintenance of a laboratory colony of the body louse
C. Conci1946Fauna di Romagna (collezione Zangheri) Anopluri e Siffonatteri
K. C. Emerson1946Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
M. A. R. Ansari1946Mallophaga found on domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus Linn., in the Punjab
T. Clay1946Mallophaga miscellany - No. 3: The trabecula
W. Eichler1946Mallophagen-Synopsis. VIII. Genus Anatoecus
R. Latta, Richardson, H. H., Kindler, J. B.1946Methyl bromide as a delousing agent
W. Eichler1946Mitteleuropäische Anopluren-Wirte
M. A. Hopkins1946New african Mallophaga - Part II
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Notes on Harrisoniella (Mallophaga) with special reference to the genotype
G. B. Thompson1946Notes on species of the genus Pectinopygus (s.l.) (Mallophaga). III
L. R. Guimarães1946Nova especie de Rhopaloceras (Heptapsogastridae-Mallophaga)
R. M. D. Zavaleta1946Nueva especie del genero Esthiopterum, encontrada en un pato silvestre
P. Brinck1946Ohyran pa svenska husdjur, Dess skadegorelse och bekampning
M. L. Roonwal, Nataraj S.1946On two species of sucking lice (Anoplura, Haematopinidae) from the common North Indian five-striped squirrel (Funambulus p. pennanti WR.)
W. Eichler1946Parasitologische Abhandlungen: Probleme der Mallophagenforschung
W. Eichler1946Phthirapterarum Mundi Catalogus
B. Heilesen, Lindgren I.1946Phthirus pubis in capillitum, cilia et supercilia
C. Conci1946Prima nota sugli Anopluri italiani
G. H. Culpepper1946Rearing body lice on rabbits
M. Imes1946Sheep and goat lice and methods of control and eradication
R. M. D. Zavaleta1946Siphunculata encontrado en un ave
J. E. Webb1946Spiracle structure as a guide to the phylogenetic relationships of the Anoplura (Biting and Sucking lice), with notes on the affinities of the mammalian hosts
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Stray notes on Mallophaga - VII
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Stray notes on Mallophaga - X
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1946Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (IX). Amblycera of the New World "Galliformes", Part 1. The genus Menacanthus Neumann
F. Leoni Werneck1946Sôbre alguns Malófagos de Procaviídeos
J. R. Busvine1946The comparative toxicity of various contact insecticides to the louse Pediculus humanus (L.) and the bed bug (Cimex lectularius L)
T. Clay1946The Mallophagan parasites of the Passeriformes
G. J. Rubin1946Three new species of Neohaematopinus (Anoplura, Haematopinidae)
C. Conci1946Un nuovo genere di Trichodectidae Sudamericano (Mallophaga)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith