
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
K. V. Lakshminarayana, Pradhan K. S.1968A checklist of Mallophaga from India and adjacent countries
B. Nilsson1968A gynandromorph of Oxylipeurus mesopelios (Nitzsch) (Mallophaga) from Phasianus colchicus
J. A. Ledger1968A list of ectoparasites recorded from colies
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1968A new species of Dennyus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Malaysian spine-tailed swift
B. McDaniel1968A new species of Fahrenholzia (Anoplura; Hoplopleuridae) from Texas, with a key to the species of the genus and a list of their known hosts
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1968A new species of Parafelicola (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from Mosambique
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1968A new species of Rhynonirmus from Thailand (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
R. H. Gooding1968A note on the relationship between feeding and insemination in Pediculus humanus
J. S. Wiseman1968A previously undescribed species of Menacanthus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from bobwhite quail
M. A. R. Ansari1968A review of the biting lice of the genus Sturnidoecus Elchler l944 (Philopteridae: Mallophaga) found on the bird family Sturnidae (Passeriformes)
R. D. Price1968A review of the genus Dicteisia Bedford (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) with description of a new species
R. D. Price1968A review of the genus Turacoeca with description of a new species (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
M. Stimie, van der Merwe S.1968A revision of the genus Haematopinus Leach (Phthiraptera: Anoplura)
R. P. Thompson1968A survey of ectoparasite infestations on poultry flocks in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
J. R. Beer, Cook E. F.1968A ten-year study of louse populations on deer mice
R. A. Pshenichnov, Ivanova, E. P., Guliakova, M. I.1968Adaptation, culturing R. sibirica in rabbit lice and preparation of a combined antigen for diagnosing the infection
J. Rékási1968Adatok a passer Domesticus domesticus (L.) Táplálkozásbiológiájához
J. - C. Beaucournu1968Anoplura of lagomorphs, rengeurs and insectivores of the occidental palearctic region and in particular in France
L. D. Hendricks, Axtell R. C.1968Arthropods from passerine birds of North Carolina
A. N. Alekseev, Kulkova T. A.1968Artificial feeding of Rhodnius prolixus Stal. (Heteroptera, Triatomidae) in laboratory
F. Schulze1968Beitrag zu Phthiriasis palpebrarum
E. Mey1968Bemerkenswerter Brutplatz der Stockente
H. Baum1968Biologie und Ökologie der Amselfederläuse
A. Rafyi, Alavi, A., Rak, H.1968Bird lice in Iran
J. Złotorzycka1968Bonomiellinae (Mallophaga) w związku z niektórymi kierunkami ewolucji
E. Mey1968Brutgemeinschaft Wacholderdrossel-Rabenkrähe
I. Rădulescu1968Cercetări parazitologice asupra cîtorva păsări sălbatice de apă din pepinierele piscicole
R. S. Higdon1968Common insect, mite and parasite problems in the United States
L. Ruz, Toro H.1968Contribución al estudio de los Mallophaga de Pelecaniformes
T. Clay1968Contributions towards a revision of Myrsidea Waterston, III. (Menoponidae: Mallophaga)
M. C. Voicu, Straton C.1968Contribuții la cunoaştera anoplurelor (Anoplura Lucas, 1840) din România
C. M. Clifford, Yunker, C. E., Corwin, M. D.1968Control of the louse Polyplax serrata with systematic insecticides administered in silastic rubber implants
R. E. Freer, Gahan R. J.1968Controlling lice in beef herds - Is it economic?
A. Ackermann1968Crabs - The resurgence of Phthirus pubis.
J. A. Ledger1968Dennyus aequatorialis n. sp. (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the mottled swift, Apus aequatorialis
R. S. Raghavan, Reddy, K. R., Khan, G. A.1968Dermatitis in elephants caused by the louse Haematomyzus elephantis (Piagot,[sic] 1869)
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1968Descriptions of two species of Pediculidae (Anoplura) from great apes (Primates, Pongidae)
G. Rheinwald1968Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten
E. D. Johnson, Parker, D. D., E. Vest, D.1968Ecological relationships of plant communities and ectoparasites of rodents in the great Salt Lake Desert
N. Ikeda1968Ecological studies of body lice, Pediculus vestimenti
M. D. Murray1968Ecology of lice on sheep.VI. The influence of shearing and solar radiation on populations and transmissions of Damlinia ovis
W. W. Judd1968Ectoparasites from the cowbird, Molothrus ater (Boddaert), at London, Ontario
A. K. Ventura1968Ectopatasites of Jamaican birds
J. Złotorzycka1968Evolutional aspects of Bonomiellinae (Mallophaga)
N. Ikeda1968Experimental induction of epidemic hemorrhagic fever using lice and fleas as vectors
M. K. Selim, El-Kasaby, A., El-Refall, A. H.1968External parasites of domestic pigeon in United Arabic Republic
F. Weyer1968Extracellular development of rickettsiae
Z. Wegner, Eichler W.1968Fauna of lice found on hares in the Poznan province (Poland)
Y. V. Kurochkin, Badamshin B. I.1968Finding of the seal lice Echinophthirus horridus Olfers, 1816 on the Caspian seal and the problem of origin of its parasite fauna
F. Acree, Jr, Turner, R. B., Beroza, M.1968Gas chromatographic determination of diethyl fumarate in malathion extracts and preparations used for control of body lice


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith