
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. W. Wright, Brown A. W. A.1957Survey of possible insecticide resistance in body lice
N. Wilson1957Some ectoparasites from Indiana mammals
F. Leoni Werneck1957A respeito de alguns Malófagos de mamíferos
Z. Wegner1957Wszy występujące na małych ssakach w woj. szczecińskim
R. A. Ward1957Host-parasite relations of the Mallophaga (Biting lice) of pocket gophers
R. A. Ward1957A study of the host distribution and some relationships of Mallophaga parasitic on birds of the order Tinamiformes. Part I
R. A. Ward1957A study of the host distribution and some relationships of biting lice (Mallophaga) parasitic on birds of the order Tinamiformes. Part II
O. Vrazic1957Parasites of common partridge, Perdix perdix Lin. of P. R. Croatia
S. von Kéler1957Über die descendenz und die differenzierung der Mallophagen
S. von Kéler1957Die Mallophagen von Sturmvögeln und Ruderfüßern 1. Harrisoniella Bedford und Perineus Thompson
S. von Kéler1957Evolution & differentiation of the Mallophaga
S. von Kéler1957Die Mallophagen von Sturmvögeln und Ruderfüßern 2. Harrisoniella Bedford und Perineus Thompson
S. von Kéler1957Der Haarling der Wildkatze (Felicola hercynianus n. sp.) (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae)
F. I. van Emden1957The taxonomic significance of the characters of immature insects
K. Touleshkov1957A new louse subspecies Neohaematopinus laeviusculus bulgaricus n.spp. (Anoplura) on Citellus citellus in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1957Puchojady po chiscnite pticy v Bulgarija
K. Touleshkov1957A new louse species Cyclophthirus ferrisi n. sp. (Anoplura) on Citellus citellus L. in Bulgaria
K. Touleshkov1957Anoplura on undomesticated mammals in Bulgaria
G. Timmermann1957Stellung und gliederung der regenpfeifervögel (Ordunung Charadriiformes) nach massgabe des Mallophagologischen befundes
G. Timmermann1957Studien zu einer vergleichenden Parasitologie der Charadriiformes oder Regenpfeifervogel. Teil 1: Mallophaga Ischnocera
G. Timmermann1957Mallophaga from Tristan da Cunha. Part II. Some remarks on the genus Longimenopon Thompson, 1948
R. P. Thompson, Hosking W. F.1957A count of Mallophaga on a heavily infested hen
G. B. Thompson1957The parasites of british birds and mammals. XXX. Mallophaga on bird's eggs
G. B. Thompson1957The parasites of british birds and mammals. XXXIII. The insect ectoparasites of the house sparrow (Passer d. domesticus)
G. B. Thompson1957Ectoparasites from birds and mammals at Bardsey
J. Tendeiro1957Malófagos de Moçambique
J. Tendeiro1957A Guiné no plano geral da zoogeografia parasitológica
J. Tendeiro1957Études sur les mallophages. Une nouvelle espèce du genre Hopkinsiella Th. Clay et Meinertzhagen 1939 (Ischnocera, Philopteridae): Hopkinsiella haydocki n. sp.
H. Strzekecja, Wojciak Z.1957A new insecticide against head lice.
H. Jürgen Stammer1957Gedanken zu den parasitophyletischen Regeln und zur Evolution der Parasiten
G. J. Spencer1957Further records of Mallophaga from British Columbia birds
G. J. Spencer1957Lice on a Bald-headed Eagle
R. Evans Snodgrass1957A revised interpretation of the external reproductive organs of male insects
J. E. Scanlon, Johnson P. True1957On some microtine-infesting Polyplax
M. S. Said1957The external parasites of birds in the U. A. R.
W. M. Reid, Linkfield R. L.1957New distribution records and economic importance of Menacanthus cornutus (Schömmer) on Georgia broilers
W. F. Rehm, Meister G.1957Parasitenfunde beim Nandu (Rhea americana)
H. S. Rao1957History of our knowledge of the Indian fauna through the ages
S. H. Qureshi1957A preliminary report on the bionomics of the turkey louse, Chelopistis meleagridis (Linn.)
A. V. Pshenichnova, Noskova E. G.1957Production of a strain of human lice feeding on rabbit and its significance for epidermomembrane technic.
R. D. Price1957A microscopic study of Pasteurella tularensis in the human body louse
H. E. Paterson1957Note on the wildfowl parasites in Southern Africa
G. Osche1957Die "Wirtskreiserweiterung" bei den parasitischen Nematoden und die bedingenden biologisch-ökologisch Faktoren
J. Odenberger1957Entomology III (Systematics, part 2)
S. Negru, Elekes E.1957Malofage (Mallophaga Nitzsch) noi sau rare pentru fauna R. P. R.
R. Mykytowycz1957Ectoparasites of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), in Australia
R. Mykytowycz1957Ectoparasites of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.) in Australia
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts I. Description of the oviposition behaviour
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts II. Analysis of the oviposition behaviour of Damalinia ovis (L.) on the sheep
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts III. The distribution of the eggs of Damalinia ovis (L.) on the sheep


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith