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H. Gwinner, Oltrogge, M., Trost, L., Nienaber, U.2000Green plants in starling nests: effects on nestlings
D. H. Clayton, Cotgreave P.1994Relationship of bill morphology to grooming behavior in birds
J. M. Butler, Roper T. J.1996Ectoparasites and sett use in European badgers
S. E. Bush, Waller, M. M., Herman, J. M., Hobbs, K. S., Clayton, A. R., Watson, J. L., M. Oleyar, D., Clayton, D. H.2023Birds groom more in regions with higher parasite pressure: a comparison of temperate and subtropical American kestrels
P. Bize, Roulin A.2006No experimental evidence that sibling competition induces young to switch nests in the colonial Alpine swift, Apus melba
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith