
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
J. Złotorzycka, Modrzejewska M.1992Morphologic features of Docophoroides brevis (Docophoroididae, Mallophaga) with particular regard to surface ultrastructure
R. S. Windsor, Windsor, R. H. S., Teran, M.1992Economic benefits of controlling internal and external parasites in South American camelids
R. H. S. Windsor, Teran, M., Windsor, R. S.1992Effects of parasitic infestation on the productivity of alpacas (Lama pacos)
R. E. Williams1992Cattle lice
R. E. Williams1992External parasites of poultry
R. E. Williams1992Hog lice and mange
K. I. Warheit1992A review of the fossil seabirds from the tertiary of the North Pacific - plate-tectonics, paleoceanography, and faunal change
K. Ward1992Operation clean-up. The management of skin infestations
E. J. Visagie, Horak, I. G., Boomker, J.1992The louse fly Lipoptena paradoxa Newstead, 1907 (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) - description of its adult and puparium and biology in South Africa
J. Uhlir, Volf P.1992Ivermectin: its effect on the immune system of rabbits and rats infested with ectoparasites
M. C. Trivedi, Saxena, A. Kumar, Rawat, B. S.1992The incidence of Mallophaga on poultry in Dehradun (India)
M. C. Tridevi, Saxena, A. Kumar, Rawat, B. S.1992Incidence of Mallophaga on poultry in Dehradun (India)
D. W. Tarry1992Sheep lice - request for information
D. L. Swofford, Maddison W. P.1992Parsimony, character state reconstructions, and evolutionary influences
P. K. S. Huh Sun, Pai, K. - S., Lee, S. Joon, Kim, K. - J., Kim, N. - H.1992Prevalence of head louse infestation in primary school children in Kangwondo, Korea
C. B. Sosna, Medleau L.1992External parasites: life cycles, transmission, and pathogenesis of disease
C. B. Sosna, Medleau L.1992The clinical signs and diagnosis of external parasite infestation
C. B. Sosna, Medleau L.1992Treating parasitic skin conditions
J. T. Sorensen, Foottit R.1992Ordination in the study of morphology, evolution and systematics of insects: Applications and quantitative genetic rationals
M. D. Soler-Cruz, Domínguez M. J. Serra1992Sensorial organs in Phthiraptera (Insecta)
S. V. El'shin1992The dependence of the quantitative indices of the infection of Yamal rodents with ectoparasites on the method of trapping
P. R. Sanchez, Oleagaperez, A., Encinasgrandes, A.1992Analysis of the specificity of the salivary antigens of Ornithodoros erraticus for the purpose of serological detection of swine farms harboring the parasite
L. Rózsa1992Points in question - Endangered parasite species
V. Rupes, Chmela, J., Kapoun, S.1992Findings of body lice (Pediculus humanus L.) in Czechoslovakia
J. V. Richerson, Scudday, J. F., Tabor, S. P.1992An ectoparasite survey of mammals in Brewster County, Texas, 1982-1985
R. Ribbeck1992Arthropodenbefall
K. J. Reinhard1992Parasitology as an Interpretive Tool in Archaeology
D. Reina, Habela, M., Serrano, F., Nieto, C. G., Breña, M., Pérez, E., Navarrete, I.1992Contribución al conocimiento de la parasifofauna de los animales silvestres y de vida libre en la provincia de Caceres (España)
B. S. Rawat, Trivedi, M. C., Saxena, A. Kumar, Kumar, A.1992Incidence of phthirapteran infestation upon the buffaloes of Dehradun (India)
B. S. Rawat, Kumar, A., Saxena, A. Kumar1992Incidence of Phthiraptea upon cattles of Dehradun (India)
J. M. Pérez-Jiménez, Soler-Cruz, M. D., I. Martínez, R., Díaz-López, M., Granados, J. E.1992A redescription of Aegypoecus brevicollis (Burmeister, 1838) (Ischnocera, Philopteridae)
R. D. Price, Palma R. L.1992A new species of Eomenopon (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the swift parrot, Lathamus discolor, of Tasmania
A. Poiani1992Ectoparasitism as a possible cost of sociallife - a comparative analysis using Australian Passerines (Passeriformes)
F. Piotrowski1992Arthropoda: Insecta: Anoplura (echte Läuse)
P. L. Perine, Chandler, B. P., Krause, D. K., McCardle, P., Awoke, S., Habtegabr, E., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., McDade, J. E.1992A clinico epidemiologic study of epidemic typhus in Africa
Y. Negussie, Remick, D. G., Deforge, L. E., Kunkel, S. L., Eynon, A., Griffin, G. E.1992Detection of plasma tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 during the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction of relapsing fever
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Miller, J., Gofin, R., Adler, B., Ben-Ishai, F., Almog, R., Kafka, D., Klaus, S.1992Head lice in Israeli children: Parent's answers to epidemiological questionnairs
P. W. Morcombe, Gardner, J. J., Millar, L. E., Wilkinson, F. C., De Chaneet, G. C., Devereaux, D. J.1992The efficacy of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides applied to the backline of sheep against four strains of lice (Damalinia ovis)
P. W. Morcombe1992The sheep lice detection test
E. Mey, Zinke O.1992Ein neuer Nachweis vom Fischotter-Haarling, Lutridia exilis (Insecta, Phthiraptera)
E. Mey1992Wasseramsel (Cinclus cinclus aquaticus) mit verkrüppelten Zehen und starkem Federlingsbefall
E. Mey1992Zur Vogelwelt im Fürstentum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt um 1770 – nach dem Verzeichnis des Johann Friedrich von Beulwitz
E. Mey1992Zwei alte Nachweise von Triops cancriformis (Bosc) [Crustacea, Notostraca] bei Rudolstadt/Thür.
E. Mey1992Über einen Grauspecht-Federling aus dem Thüringer Wald und seine systematische Zugehörigkeit
J. W. Mertins, Schlater, J. L., Corn, J. L.1992Ectoparasites of the blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra)
A. Mekasha1992Louse-borne relapsing fever in children
J. McKean, Holscher, K., Quisenberry, S.1992External parasite control
M. Paz Martín-Mateo, Gallego J.1992Redescription of two species of Mallophaga (Insecta) parasites on Sagittarius serpentarius (Miller) (Aves)
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1992Malófagos parásitos de aves. Primera cita para España y descripción de Saemundssonia integer (Nitzsch,1866) recogida sobre Grus grus (L.) en Córdoba
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1992Estudio de las Especies de malófagos (Phthiraptera) parasitas de Glareolidae (Aves) y consideraciones sobre el "status" taxonomico del genero Glareolites Eichler


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith