
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. Candy, Amanzougaghene, N., Izri, A., Brun, S., Durand, R., Louni, M., Raoult, D., Fenollar, F., Mediannikov, O.2018Molecular Survey of Head and Body Lice, Pediculus humanus, in France
A. Hammoud, Louni, M., Baldé, M. Cellou, Beavogui, A. Habib, Gautret, P., Raoult, D., Fenollar, F., Misse, D., Mediannikov, O.2021Molecular Characterization and Genetic Diversity of Haplogroup E Human Lice in Guinea, West Africa
A. Hammoud, Louni, M., Fenollar, F., Bassene, H., Sambou, M., Duclos, N., Diatta, G., Sokhna, C., Levasseur, A., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2023Bartonella quintana Transmitted by Head Lice: An Outbreak of Trench Fever in Senegal
A. Hammoud, Louni, M., Misse, D., Cortaredona, S., Fenollar, F., Mediannikov, O.2022Phylogenetic relationship between the endosymbiont “Candidatus Riesia pediculicola” and its human louse host
M. Louni, Amanzougaghene, N., MANA, N., Fenollar, F., Raoult, D., BITAM, I., Mediannikov, O.2018Detection of bacterial pathogens in clade E head lice collected from Niger’s refugees in Algeria
M. Louni, MANA, N., BITAM, I., Dahmani, M., Parola, P., Fenollar, F., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2018Body lice of homeless people reveal the presence of several emerging bacterial pathogens in northern Algeria
T. Duc Anh Ly, Amanzougaghene, N., Hoang, V. T., Dao, T. L., Louni, M., Mediannikov, O., Gautret, P.2020Molecular Evidence of Bacteria in Clothes Lice Collected from Homeless People Living in Shelters in Marseille
T. Duc Anh Ly, Kerbaj, J., Edouard, S., Hoang, V. T., Louni, M., Dao, T. L., Benkouiten, S., Badiaga, S., Tissot-Dupont, H., Raoult, D., Brouqui, P., Mediannikov, O., Gautret, P.2019The Presence of Acinetobacter baumannii DNA on the Skin of Homeless People and Its Relationship With Body Lice Infestation.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith