
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. G. Abou el-Ela, Morsy, T. A., Nassar, M. M., Khalaf, S. A.2000Evaluation of four pediculicides against the head lice Pediculus h. capitis
E. S. Abou Gamra, Sayeb, F. A. el, M. Banna, el, Farrag, A. M., Morsy, T. A.1992The possibility of lice allergy among Egyptian patients with asthmatic bronchitis
T. A. Morsy1996Abnormal distribution of the histocompatibility antigens [HLA] in lousy patients
T. A. Morsy1994Some clinical features of pediculosis among school children
T. A. Morsy, Bahrawy, A. F. El, Dakhil, M. A. El2001Ecto- and blood parasites affecting Meriones rex trapped in Najran, Saudi Arabia
T. A. Morsy, el-Ela, R. G., Mawla, M. Y., Khalaf, S. A.2001The prevalence of lice infesting students of primary, preparatory and secondary schools in Cairo, Egypt
T. A. Morsy, el-Ela, R. G., Nasser, M. M., Khalaf, S. A., Mazyad, S. A.2000Evaluation of the in-vitro pediculicidal action of four known insecticides and three medicinal plant extracts
T. A. Morsy, El-Ghazali S. M.1999A four years old girl with phthiriasis pubis infestation
T. A. Morsy, Ramadan, N. I., Mahmoud, M. S., Lashen, A. H.1996On the efficacy of Co-trimoxazole as an oral treatment for pediculosis capitis infestation
D. A. Ragheb, Morsy, T. A., Abdalla, H. M., Gamra, M. M. Abou1995In vitro control of Phthirus pubis with four pediculocides: Eurax, Elimite, Licid and Benzanil
A. Shoukry, Kady, J. A. el, Morsy, T. A., Salama, M. M.1993Rodents and their arthropod ectoparasites in South Sinai Governorate, Egypt
A. Shoukry, Morsy, T. A., Farahat, A. A.1987Arthropod-ectoparasites of rodents trapped in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt
W. Zeese, Khalaf, S. A., el-Ela, R. G. Abou, Morsy, T. A.1990Rodents and their ectoparasites in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith