
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. R. Moyer, Gardner, D. W., Clayton, D. H.2002Impact of feather molt on ectoparasites: Looks can be deceiving
B. R. Moyer, Peterson, A. T., Clayton, D. H.2002Influence of bill shape on ectoparasite load in Western Scrub-jays
B. R. Moyer, Rock, A. N., Clayton, D. H.2003An experimental test of the importance of preen oil in Rock Doves (Columba livia)
J. P. Owen, Nelson, A. C., Clayton, D. H.2010Ecological immunology of bird-ectoparasite systems
R. D. M. Page, Clayton, D. H., Paterson, A. M.1996Lice and cospeciation: a response to Barker
Clayton, D. H., Al-Tamimi, S., Johnson, K. P.2003The ecological basis of coevolutionary history
Johnson, K. P., Clayton D. H.2003Coevolutionary history of ecological replicates: comparing phylogenies of wing and body lice to Columbiform hosts
R. D. M. Page, Lee, P. L. M., S. Becher, A., Griffiths, R., Clayton, D. H.1998A different tempo of mitochondrial evolution in birds and their parasitic lice
S. L. Pereira, Johnson, K. P., Clayton, D. H., Baker, A. J.2007Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences Support a Cretaceous Origin of Columbiformes and a Dispersal-Driven Radiation in the Paleogene
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1997Two new species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1997Revision of the chewing louse genus Formicaphagus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Neotropical antbirds and gnateaters (Aves: Passeriformes)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1996Revision of the Chewing Louse Genus Formicaphagus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Neotropical Antbirds and Gnateaters (Aves: Passeriformes)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1995Review of Formicaricola (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from ground antbirds (Passeriformes: Formicariidae)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1995A new genus and three new species of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Peruvian ovenbirds (Passeriformes: Furnariidae)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1994Review of the species of Rallicola (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the antbirds, ovenbirds, and tapaculos (Passeriformes)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1993Review of the species of Rallicola (Phthiraptera, Philopteridae) from the woodcreepers (Passeriformes, Dendrocolaptinae)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1989Kaysius emersoni (Mallophaga, Menoponidae), a new genus and new species of louse from the Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (Passeriformes, Dendrocolaptidae) of Peru
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1984Three new species and two new subgenera of Psittaconirmus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from New Guinea parrots (Psittaciformes)
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1983A review of the genus Psittaconirmus (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) from south pacific parrots (Psittaciformes)
R. D. Price, Clayton, D. H., Adams, R. J.2000Pigeon lice down under: taxonomy of Australian Campanulotes (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), with a description of C. durdeni n. sp
R. D. Price, Clayton, D. H., Hellenthal, R. A.1999Taxonomic review of Physconelloides (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the Columbiformes (Aves), including descriptions of three new species
R. D. Price, Hellenthal, R. A., Palma, R. L., Johnson, K. P., Clayton, D. H.2003The chewing lice: world checklist and biological overview
Johnson, K. P., Clayton D. H.2003The biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing lice
R. D. Price, Palma, R. L., Clayton, D. H.2003Review of the genus Saemundssonia Timmermann (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the Alcidae (Aves: Charadriiformes), including a new species and new host records
D. L. Reed, Moyer, B. R., Clayton, D. H.2001Risk that websites could break code of anonymity
D. L. Reed, Smith, V. Stuart, Hammond, S. L., Rogers, A. R., Clayton, D. H.2004Genetic analysis of lice supports direct contact between modern and archaic humans
D. L. Reed, Smith, V. Stuart, Hammond, S. L., Rogers, A. R., Clayton, D. H.2004Did we or didn't we? Louse genetic analysis say yes
F. Renaud, Clayton, D. H., deMeeus, T.1996Biodiversity and evolution in host-parasite associations
D. M. Tompkins, Clayton D. H.1999Host resources govern the specificity of swiftlet lice: size matters
D. M. Tompkins, Jones, T., Clayton, D. H.1996Effect of vertically transmitted ectoparasites on the reproductive success of swifts (Apus apus)
S. M. Villa, Altuna, J. C., Ruff, J. S., Beach, A. B., Mulvey, L. I., Poole, E. J., Campbell, H. E., Johnson, K. P., Shapiro, M. D., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2019Rapid experimental evolution of reproductive isolation from a single natural population
S. M. Villa, Campbell, H. E., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2016Does antiparasite behavior improve with experience? An experimental test of the priming hypothesis
S. M. Villa, Evans, M. D., Subhani, Y. K., Altuna, J. C., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H.2018Body size and fecundity are correlated in feather lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera): implications for Harrison's rule
S. M. Villa, Goodman, G. B., Ruff, J. S., Clayton, D. H.2016Does allopreening control avian ectoparasites?
S. M. Villa, Koop, J. A. H., Le Bohec, C., Clayton, D. H.2018Beak of the pinch: anti-parasite traits are similar among Darwin’s finch species
B. A. Walther, Clayton D. H.2005Elaborate ornaments are costly to maintain: Evidence for high maintenance handicaps
B. A. Walther, Clayton D. H.1997Dust-ruffling: a simple method for quantifying ectoparasite loads of live birds
B. A. Walther, Clayton, D. H., Gregory, R. D.1999Showiness of neotropical birds in relation to ectoparasite abundance and foraging stratum
B. A. Walther, Cotgreave, P., Price, R. D., Gregory, R. D., Clayton, D. H.1995Sampling effort and parasite species richness


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith