
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. J. Turyanin1962K voprosu o faune Mallophaga i Anoplura nekotorykh teplokrovnykh zivotnykh Karpat
E. van den Broek1978Einige Ektoparasiten (Siphonaptera und Anoplura) von der Rötelmaus im Kanton Graubünden
P. I. M. van Aswegen, Hesse, P., Howell, C. J.1971Die Voorkoms en Beheer von sommige uitwendige Parasiete van klein Proefdiere
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S. Viljoen1977Ectoparasites of the bush squirrel, Paraxerus cepapi, in the Transvaal
M. C. Voicu1970Stadiile larvare doi şi trei ale speciei Enderleinellus sphaerocephalus Nitzsch (Anoplura: Hopopleuridae)
M. C. Voicu1970Contribuții la cunoaşterea (Ord. Anoplura) din rezervațiile naturale "Ponoare" şi "Codrul secular Slătioara" - Suceava
M. C. Voicu1969Despre câteva specii de Anoplure din fauna României (II)
M. C. Voicu1968Pediculide noi pentru fauna Romaniei (Anoplura Lucas, 1840): III
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J. Waterston1923Two new Anoplura
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N. A. Weber1950A survey of the insects and related arthropods of arctic Alaska. Part I
Z. Wegner1974A morphological analysis of Polyplax serrata (Burmeister, 1839) (Arthropoda, Anoplura)
Z. Wegner1971Enderleinellus propinquus Blag, a species of Anoplura from Suslik new to Poland
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F. Leoni Werneck1933Sobre duas especies de Anoplura encontradas em ratos sylvestros do Brasil
F. Leoni Werneck1932Nova especie de Anoplura (Haematopinidae)
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J. O. Whitaker, Jr., Matthysse J. George1982Records of some ectoparasites from Nigeria
N. Wilson1972Insects of Micronesia: Anoplura, supplement
N. Wilson1963Correction of the type locality of Enderleinellus marmotae Ferris (Anoplura: Hoplpleuridae)
N. Wilson, Wodzicki K.1977Ectoparasites from Fruit Bats and Rats on Niue Islands.
R. Wyman, Schaefer K.1972The ectoparasites of Peromyscus maniculatus in Texas county Oklahoma
W. Wyrwicka1947Research on external parasites of some rodents
Z. L. Zanina1967Vsi (Anoplura) pustynnykh gryzunov Tadzikistana
M. Zunker1929Die Mäuselaus Polyplax serrata (Burmeister)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith