
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. -ge Dong, Dong, Y., Guo, X. -guo, Shao, R.2021Frequent tRNA gene translocation towards the boundaries with control regions contributes to the highly dynamic mitochondrial genome organization of the parasitic lice of mammals
W. -ge Dong, Guo, X. -guo, Jin, D. -chao, Xue, S. -peng, Song, S., Barker, S. C., Shao, R.2013Understanding mitochondrial genome fragmentation in parasitic lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
W. -ge Dong, Guo, X. -guo, Men, X. -yuan, Qian, T. -jun, Wu, D.2009[Diversity of ectoparasites on Niviventer confucianus in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake]
W. -ge Dong, Song, S., Guo, X. -guo, Jin, D. -chao, Yang, Q., Barker, S. C., Shao, R.2014Fragmented mitochondrial genomes are present in both major clades of the blood-sucking lice (suborder Anoplura): evidence from two Hoplopleura rodent lice (family Hoplopleuridae)
W. -ge Dong, Song, S., Jin, D. -chao, Guo, X. -guo, Shao, R.2014Fragmented mitochondrial genomes of the rat lice, Polyplax asiatica and Polyplax spinulosa: intra-genus variation in fragmentation pattern and a possible link between the extent of fragmentation and the length of life cycle
X. -guo Guo, Dong, W. -ge, Men, X. -yuan, Qian, T. -jun, Wu, D., Ren, T. -guang, Qin, F., Song, W. -yu, Yang, Z. -hua, Fletcher, Q. E.2016Species Abundance Distribution of Ectoparasites on Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) from a Localized Area in Southwest China
X. -guo Guo, Qian, T. -jun, Guo, L. -jun, Wang, J., Dong, W. -ge, Zhang, L., Ma, Z. -mim, Li, W.2005Spatial Distribution Pattern of Hoplopleura affinis (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) on its rat host, Apodemus chevrieri in Yunnan, China
X. -guo Guo, Speakman, J. R., Dong, W. -ge, Men, X. -yuan, Qian, T. -jun, Wu, D., Qin, F., Song, W. -yu2013Ectoparasitic insects and mites on Yunnan red-backed voles (Eothenomys miletus) from a localized area in southwest China
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith