
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. Poe Durrant1906Descriptions of new Mallophaga II
E. Poe Durrant1906Descriptions of new Mallophaga
E. J. Dutton1905The intermediary host of Filaria cypseli (Annett, Dutton, Elliot). The filaria of the African swift, Cypselus affinis
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G. J. Dyke, Van Tuinen M.2004The evolutionary radiation of modern birds (Neornithes): reconciling molecules, morphology and the fossil record
E. Dynum, Ward, C., Meeks, D.1978Hog louse Haematopinus suis population growth and distribution on its host
J. S. Eagleson, Thompson, D. R., Scott, P. G., Cramer, L. G.1993Efficacy of ivermectin jetting fluid for control of the sheep biting louse (Damalinia ovis)
I. J. East, Kerlin, R. L., Eisemann, C. H.1992Reduced growth of Lucilia cuprina larvae fed serum from sheep treated with anthelmintics
W. Ebeling1975Delusory Parasitosis and "Cable Mite" Dermatitis
M. W. Eberle, McLean D. L.1983Observation of symbiote migration in human body lice with scanning and transmission electron microscopy
M. W. Eberle, McLean D. L.1982Initiation and orientation of the symbiote migration in the human body louse Pediculus humanus L
K. Eckstein1912Trichodectes longicornis Nitzsch, ein Parasit des Rehes
S. A. Edgar, King D. F.1950Effect of the body louse, Eomenacanthus stramineus, on mature chickens
A. Edler, Anders N.1974Abstract: Numerical relations between groups of ectoparasites infesting small mammals
J. D. Edman, J. Clark M.1990The prophylactic use of pediculicides: a formula for resistance development
S. L. Eduardo2013On Three Species of Chewing Lice (Mallophaga: Ischnocera) from the Common Emerald-Dove and the Spotted Imperial-Pigeon (Aves: Columbiformes) in the Philippines
S. L. Eduardo2000Damalinia cordillerai n.sp. (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) and two other previously known arthropod parasites of the Luzon samba deer, Cervus (Rusa) philippinus Smith, 1827 (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Ruminantia)
R. L. Edwards1965Revision of the genus Aquanirmus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae), parasitic on grebes (Podicipidae)
R. L. Edwards1960A new Austromenopon (Menoponidae-Mallophaga) parasitizing shearwaters (Puffinus-Procellariformes[sic])
R. L. Edwards1952Notes on some of Osborn's Mallophaga types and the description of a new genus, Rotundiceps (Philopteridae)
R. L. Edwards1951Studies of the Philopteridae (Mallophaga) from birds of the order Procellariformes
R. L. Edwards1949A new Gruimenopon (Mallophaga-Menoponidae)
B. Egri, Sarkozy, P., Banhidy, G.1995Prevalence of botfly larvae and lice in studs of North Caucasus (Stawropol County, Russia)
H. Ehlich1943Die Biologie der Kleiderlaus in Zahlen
C. Gottfried Ehrenberg1828Symbola physica seu icones et descriptiones corporum naturalium aut minus cognitorum quae ex itineribus per Lybium Aegyptum Nubiam Dongalam Syriam Arabiam et Habessiniam publico institutis sumptu F.W. Hemprich et Ch.G. Ehrenberg regis iussu et impensis pu
C. Gottfried Ehrenberg1828Symbolae physicae seu icones et descriptiones corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum, quae in itineribus per Libyam, Aegyptum, Nubiam, Dongolam, Arabiam et Habessyniam annis 1820-1825 redierunt. Berlin, Pars zoologica I.
H. Ehrlich1942Die Verbreitung von Läusen durch Stubenfliegen
W. Eichler1987Aspects of the evolution of side-branch groups from the standpoint of Mallophaga research
W. Eichler1986Notulae Mallophagologicae. XV. Upupacanthus nov. gen. und zwei neue Plegadiphilus-Untergattungen
W. Eichler1982The overall taxonomy of the Anoplura
W. Eichler1982Head lice problems. I. Taxonomic position of Pediculus capitis
W. Eichler1982Taxonomy of the Anoplura
W. Eichler1982Notulae Mallophagologicae. XIII. Goliathipon nov. gen und weitere neue Taxa der Gattungsstufe (Phthiraptera, Mallophaga)
W. Eichler1981Vögel und Vogelläuse in Jakutien
W. Eichler1980Nachruf auf Günter Timmermann
W. Eichler1977[Criterion of subspecies in ectoparasites (preferential in Mallophaga)]
W. Eichler1976Teratological Columbicola females from Cairo
W. Eichler1976Anatoecus icterodes zlotorzyckae nom. nov. Mallophagorum
W. Eichler1973Stefan von Kéler in seiner Bedeutung für die Mallophagenforschung
W. Eichler1973Mallophagen-Sammeltechnik mit Zacher-Stäuben
W. Eichler1973Biozide Nahrungsketten und parasitologische Sammeltechnik
W. Eichler1971Der Subspezies- und Populationsbegriff bei parasitischen Insekten. Bericht 10
W. Eichler1971Quecksilber als umweltgift in der Ostee
W. Eichler1971Gallacanthus nov. gen. pro Eomenacanthus cornutus (Schommer, 1913) voin Haushuhn
W. Eichler1970Evolutionistische Aspekte des Wirts- Parasit- Verhältnisses
W. Eichler1968Outline of Syrian parasitology (including notes on arthropods of medical or veterinary importance)
W. Eichler1966Two new evolutionary terms for speciation in parasitic animals
W. Eichler1966Gesundheitsschädlinge in Kinderferienlargen
W. Eichler1962Vergleichende Parasitologie und Evolutionslehre
W. Eichler1959Mallophagen von Balaeniceps rex. Parasitophyletische Studien zur Ornithosystematik. III.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith