
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. C. Emerson1966New species and records of Rallicola (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from New Guinea
K. C. Emerson1966A new species of Mallophaga from the caracara
K. C. Emerson1966A new species of Mallophaga (Ischnocera: Degeeriella) from the caracara
K. C. Emerson1965Three new species of Mallophaga from dassies (Hyracoidea)
K. C. Emerson1965The Vernon L. Kellogg Mallophaga type material in the Cornell University collection
K. C. Emerson1965A new species of Mallophaga from the Philippine Islands
K. C. Emerson1965Bibliography of Entomology papers 1940-1965
K. C. Emerson1964A new species of Mallophaga from the black-billed cuckoo
K. C. Emerson1964Notes on some Mallophaga from Formosan mammals
K. C. Emerson1964A new genus and species of Mallophaga
K. C. Emerson1964Two new species of Rallicola from Tasmania (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
K. C. Emerson1964A new species of Mallophaga from Malaya
K. C. Emerson1963A new species of Mallophaga from Natal
K. C. Emerson1962A tentative list of Mallophaga from North American birds (North of Mexico)
K. C. Emerson1962A new species of Mallophaga from the bighorn sheep
K. C. Emerson1962A new species of Mallophaga from the mink
K. C. Emerson1962A new species of Mallophaga from New Guinea
K. C. Emerson1962Mallphaga (chewing lice) occurring on the turkey
K. C. Emerson1961The Vernon L. Kellogg Mallophaga type material in the United States National Museum
K. C. Emerson1961Designation of a lectotype for Amyrsidea megalosoma (Overgaard, 1943)
K. C. Emerson1961Three new species of Mallophaga from the great horned owl
K. C. Emerson1961A new species of Mallophaga from the peafowl
K. C. Emerson1960A new species of Physconelloides (Mallophaga) from Texas
K. C. Emerson1960The identity of Lipeurus volsellus Ewing (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
K. C. Emerson1960Notes on the Osborn Mallophaga types
K. C. Emerson1960Two new species of Craspedorrhynchus (Mallophaga) from North America
K. C. Emerson1960A new species of Chelopistes (Mallophaga) from Texas and Mexico
K. C. Emerson1960A new species of Mallophaga from the barred owl
K. C. Emerson1960Two new species of Fulicoffula (Mallophaga) from the sora
K. C. Emerson1958Designation of a lectotype of Goniodes minor Piaget (Philopteridae: Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1958Catalogue of the types in the Snow Entomological Muesum. Part II. (Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1958Two new species of Mallophaga from gallinaceous birds
K. C. Emerson1958New species of Comatomenopon (Mallophaga: Amblycera)
K. C. Emerson1957Notes on Lagopoecus sinensis (Sugimoto) (Philopteridae, Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1957New species of Rallicola (Philopteridae: Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1957A new species of Mallophaga from a dove
K. C. Emerson1957A new species of Mallophaga from the pigeon
K. C. Emerson1956Mallophaga (chewing lice) occurring on the domestic chicken
K. C. Emerson1956New species of Clayia (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the French Cameroons
K. C. Emerson1956A note on the identity of Longimenopon pediculoides (Mjoberg)
K. C. Emerson1955Lipeurus dovei McGregor, a synonym of Lipeurus caponis (Linnaeus)
K. C. Emerson1955A new Mallophaga from a loon
K. C. Emerson1955A new mallophagan from the screech owl (Philopteridae)
K. C. Emerson1955A review of the genus Rallicola (Philopteridae, Mallophaga) found on Aramidae, Psophiidae and Rallidae
K. C. Emerson1955A note on the identity of Strigiphilus barbatus (Osborn)
K. C. Emerson1955Notes on two species of Goniodes (Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1954Three new African species of Clayia (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)
K. C. Emerson1954Two new species of Machaerilaemus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
K. C. Emerson1954A review of the genus Menopon Nitzsch, 1818 (Mallophaga)
K. C. Emerson1953A new species of Carduiceps


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith