
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1957The type species of the Mallophagan genus Harrisoniella
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1955Additions and corrections to the checklist of Mallophaga-II
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1953Additions and corrections to the checklist of Mallophaga
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1952A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga
G. H. E. Hopkins1963Letter to Spencer,George J.
G. H. E. Hopkins, Timmermann G.1954A revision of the species Quadraceps (Mallophaga) parasitic on the Tringinae
G. H. E. Hopkins1937Letter to Werneck, Fabio Leoni
D. E. Hopkins1970In vitro colonization of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain W. F.1980Radiobiology of the sheep biting louse (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae)
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain W. F.1972In vitro colonization of the cattle biting louse, Bovicola bovis
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain W. F.1972Sheep biting louse: Notes on the biology of lice reared off the host
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain W. F.1972Susceptibility of the stages of the cattle biting louse (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) to juveth, an insect juvenile hormone anolog
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain W. F.1969In vitro colonization of the goat biting lice, Bovicola crassipes and B. limbata
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichopectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone anologue
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone analog
M. A. Hopkins1946New african Mallophaga - Part II
H. - H. Hopp1953Histologische Veränderungen in den Organen der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus vestimenti N.) unter der Einwirkung von Insektiziden (chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen)
J. M. H. Hopper1971An epidemic of nits
I. G. Horak1987Arthropod parasites of some wild animals in South Africa and Namibia
I. G. Horak1982Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XV. The seasonal prevalence of ectoparasites on impala and cattle in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa
I. G. Horak1976The control of ticks, fleas and lice on dogs by means of a sendran-impregnated collar
I. G. Horak, Anthonissen, M., Krecek, R. C., Boomker, J.1992Arthropod Parasites of Springbok, Gemsbok, Kudus, Giraffes and Burchell and Hartmann Zebras in the Etosha and Hardap Nature- Reserves, Namibia
I. G. Horak, Biggs, H. C., Hanssen, T. S., Hanssen, R. E.1983The prevalence of helminth and arthropod parasites of warthog, Phacochoerus asthiopicus, in South West Africa/ Namibia
I. G. Horak, Biggs, H. C., Reinecke, R. K.1984Arthropod parasites of Hartmann's mountain sebra, Equus zebra hartmannae, in South West Africa/Namibia
I. G. Horak, Boomer, S., Kingsley, S. A., Vos,V.,de1983The efficacy of ivermectin against helminth and arthropod parasites of impala (Aepyceros melampus)
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., Flamand, J. R. B.1995Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXIV. Arthropod parasites of nyalas in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., Flamand, J. R. B.1991Ixodid ticks and lice Infesting red duikers and bushpigs in north-eastern Natal
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., Kingsley, S. A., De Vos, V.1983The efficacy of ivermectin against helminth and arthropod parasites of impala
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., Spickett, A. M., De Vos, V.1992Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXX. Ectoparasites of kudus in the Eastern Transvaal Lowveld and the Eastern Cape Province
I. G. Horak, Boomker, J., De Vos, V., Potgieter, F. T.1988Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld
I. G. Horak, Brown, M. R., Boomker, J., De Vos, V., Van Zyl, E. A.1982Helminth and arthropod parasites of blesbok, Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi and of bontebok, Damaliscus dorcas dorcas
I. G. Horak, Chaparro, F., Beaucournu, J. - C., Louw, J. P.1999Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXVI. Arthropod parasites of yellow mongooses, Cynictis penicillata (G. Cuvier, 1829)
I. G. Horak, Fourie, L. J., van Zyl, J. M.1995Arthropod parasites of impalas in the Kruger national park with particular reference to ticks
I. G. Horak, Gallivan, G. J., Braack, L. E. O., Boomker, J., De Vos, V.2003Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XLI. Arthropod parasites of impalas (Aepyceros melampus) in the Kruger National Park
I. G. Horak, Keep, M. E., Flamand, J. R. B., Boomker, J.1988Arthropod parasites of common reedbuck, Redunca arundinum, in Natal
I. G. Horak, Keep, M. E., Spickett, A. M., Boomker, J.1989Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIV. Arthropod parasites of bushbuck and common duiker in the Weza State Forest, Natal
I. G. Horak, Knight, M. M., De Vos, V.1986Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XX. Arthropod parasites of the Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra)
I. G. Horak, Knight, M. M., Williams, E. J.1991Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXVIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of angora goats and kids in valley bushveld
I. G. Horak, Macivor, K. M., Greeff, C. J.2001Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXXIX. Helminth and arthropod parasites of Angora goats in the southern Karoo
I. G. Horak, Meltzer, D. G. A., De Vos, V.1982Helminth and arthropod parasites of springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis, in the Transvaal and Western Cape Province
I. G. Horak, Sheppey, K., Knight, M. M., Beuthin, C. L.1986Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXI. Arthropod parasites of vaal ribbok, bontebok and scrub hares in western Cape Province
I. G. Horak, De Vos, V., Braack, L. E. O.1995Arthropod burdens of impalas in the Skukuza region during two droughts in the Kruger National Park
I. G. Horak, De Vos, V., Brown, M. R.1983Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XVI. Helminth and arthropod parasites of blue and black wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus and Connochaetes gnou)
I. G. Horak, De Vos, V., De Klerk, B. D.1984Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XVII. Arthropod parasites of Burchell's zebra, Equus burchelli, in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld
I. G. Horak, De Vos, V., De Klerk, B. D.1982Helminth and arthropod parasites of vaal ribbok, Pelea capreolus, in Western Cape Province
G. H. Horn1888Descriptions of the larvae of Glyptus, Platypsylla and Polyphylla
D. S. Horning, Palma, R. L., Pilgrim, R. L. C.1980The lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) from the Snares Islands, New Zealand
A. Horwitz1973Welcoming remarks
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973The influence of antibodies, antibiotics, and strain virulence on typhus infection in human body lice
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973Dichlorvos-impregnated plastic strips for field disinfesting clothing of lice


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith