
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
T. Clay1950A preliminary survey of the distribution of Mallophaga ('Feather lice') on the class Aves (Birds)
E. Broadhead1950A revision of the genus Liposcelis Motschulsky with notes on the position of this genus in the order Corrodentia and on the variability of ten Liposcelis species
F. Balát1950Dvě sdělení o čmelích z ptáků na Moravě
W. Eichler1950Mallophagen-Synopsis. XX. Genus Pseudolipeurus
W. Eichler1950Ektoparasiten von Zoo-Tieren. I. Mallophagen vom Nandu
W. Eichler1950Mallophagen-Synopsis. XVI. Genus Saemundssonia
L. R. Guimarães1950Pequenas notas sobre malófagos. II
G. Timmermann1950Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ektoparasitenfauna isländischer Säugetiere und Vögel. 4. Mitteilung. Die Gattung Quadraceps Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1939 und verwandte Genera Mallophagorum
G. Timmermann1950Saemundssonia meridiana n. sp., eine bemerkenswerte neue Mallophagenart von Sterna anaethetus Scopoli
F. Leoni Werneck1950Os Malófagos de Mamíferos. Parte II: Ischnocera (continuacao de Trichodectidae) e Rhyncophthirina
L. R. Guimarães1950Sobre alguns generos e especies de Heptapsogastridae (Mallophaga) - V
H. G. Amsel1950Stammesgeschichte des Menschen und Läuse-Systematik
S. Uchida1950Mallophaga
R. Piechocki1950Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hasenlaus, Haemodipsus lyriocephalus (Burmeister, 1839)
W. B. Quay1950Further description of Polyplax alaskensis Ewing (Anoplura)
P. A. Remy1950Présence de l´Anoplure Haematopinus suis L. sur la Potamochère malgache
M. Sasa1950Note in the blood-sucking lice (Anoplura) of rodents in Japan (Part1)
S. A. Edgar, King D. F.1950Effect of the body louse, Eomenacanthus stramineus, on mature chickens
S. O. Vuisotzkaya1950Seasonal changes in the infestation of the grey vole with lice
N. A. Weber1950A survey of the insects and related arthropods of arctic Alaska. Part I
G. N. Wolcott1950The insects of Puerto Rico I-IV. Part 1 (includes Anoplura)
M. T. Scott1950Observations on the bionomics of Linognathus pedalis
G. Timmermann1950Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ektoparasitenfauna isländischer Säugetiere und Vögel. 5. Mitteilung. Über Isländische Raubvogelläuse
M. A. R. Ansari1950Taxonomic value of antennal characters in the amblyceron Mallophaga
T. Wolff1950Birds collected by the Atlantide-Epedition to West Africa 1945-46
H. P. Nicholson, Vetter M. H.1950A lethal trap for capturing small mammals with their ectoparasites
F. H. S. Roberts1950The tail-switch louse of cattle, Haematopinus quadripertusus Fahrenholz
P. Brinck1950Anoplura.
G. B. Thompson1950A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1950A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1950A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1950Lice of synantropic rodents of Tadzhikistan
G. A. Richards, Korda F. H.1950Studies on Arthropod Cuticle, IV. An Electron Microscope Survey of the Intima of Arthropod Tracheae
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1950Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. No. VIII. "Ischnocera" of the American "Psittacidae", Part 2. Genus "Paragoniocotes" Cummings
E. G. Vogelsang1950Heterodoxus spiniger (Enderlain), malófago parásito del canino (Canis familiaris) de Venezuela
K. C. Emerson1950New species of Goniodes
K. C. Emerson1950The genus Lagopoecus (Philopteridae: Mallophaga) in North America
E. Piaget1950Pédiculines: catalogue of Piaget's collection
G. H. E. Hopkins1950Stray notes on Mallophaga X
W. Eichler1950Über die endoparasitische Lebensweise der Kormoran-Federlinge
G. Timmermann1950Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ektoparasitenfauna isländischer Säugetiere und Vögel. 3. Mitteilung. Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen an isländischen Kletterfederlingen
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1950The early literature on Mallophaga. Part I, 1758-1762
W. Eichler1950Notulae Mallophagologicae. XIII. Neue Goniodidae
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1950Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. No. VI. Suborder "Ischnocera". family "Philopteridae"
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1950Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (X). Amblycera of the New World "Galliformes", Part 2. The genus Amyrsidea Ewing
L. R. Guimarães1950A new species of Pterophthirius Ewing, 1923 (Anoplura)
W. Eichler1950Die Bedeutung von H. Fahrenholz fur die Lauseforschung
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith