
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. P. Hajela1970A new species of Neophilopterus Cummings, 1916 (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) from Ceylon
K. P. Hajela, Tandan B. Kishore1970Species of Ardeicola (Insecta: Mallophaga) parasitic on birds of the family Threskiornithidae
A. C. G. Heath, Millar E. S.1970Recent insecticides: their efficacy as plunge dips against the biting louse, Damalinia ovis, and the ked, Melophagus ovinus, on sheep
V. G. Henry, Conley R. H.1970Some parasites of European wild hogs in the Southern Appalachians
J. M. Hirst, Cole, M. M., Gilbert, I. H., Adams, C. T.1970Further sleeve tests of new powders for control of body lice
D. E. Hopkins1970In vitro colonization of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichopectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone anologue
D. E. Hopkins, Chamberlain, W. F., Wright, J. E.1970Morphological and physiological changes in Bovicola limbata (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) treated topically with a juvenile hormone analog
S. Kadulski1970Ectoparasites of the Bison bonasus (L.) in the Biatowieza primeval forest
K. Chung Kim1970The Anoplura of the world: an information center
K. Chung Kim1970The sucking lice Anoplura, Insecta; a new classification
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1970Anoplura from Mozambique with description of a new species and nymphal stages
H. F. Klockenhoff, Madel G.1970Über die Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) der Dasht-e-Nawar in Afghanistan
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1970Pedicinus miopitheci n.sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), eine Laus der Zwergmeerkatze Cercopithecus (Miopithecus) talapoin.
S. E. Kunz, Hogan B. F.1970Dichlorvos-impregnated resin strands for control of chicken lice on laying hens
K. V. Lakshminarayana1970Epipectus Carriker, 1966 - a nomen nudum
K. V. Lakshminarayana1970Systematic studies on Mallophaga of Indian birds and mammals
K. V. Lakshminarayana1970Mallophaga Indica IV. Trends in evolution in the Laemobothrion-complex (Phthiraptera: Mallophaga), with description of a new genus
F. L. Lambrecht1970New records of bloodsucking insects from Seychelles Islands
Y. Le Corroller, Néel, R., de Lecubarri, R.1970Le typhus exanthématique au Sahara
J. A. Ledger1970A new species of Strigiphilus Mjoberg (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the giant eagle-owl Bubo lacteus
J. A. Ledger1970A preliminary review of Dennyus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) parasitic on swiftlets
J. A. Ledger1970A new species of Solenopotes Enderlein (Anoplura: Linognathidae) from an African antelope
P. H. C. Lina1970Observations on the infection of young herring and lesser black-backed gulls by ectoparasites
D. L. Lodmell, Bell, J. F., Clifford, C. M., Moore, G. J., Raymong, G.1970Effects of limb disability on lousiness of mice. V. Hierarchic disturbance on mutual grooming and reproductive capacities
M. I. Lunkaschu1970Two new species of Mallophaga of the genus Brüelia Keler from passerines of Moldavia
R. Matsuda1970Morphology and evolution of the insect thorax
R. Mehl1970Om innsamling av insekter og midd på fugler og pattedyr
R. Mehl1970Records of ectoparasitic insects and mites on birds and mammals in Norway
L. F. Mendes1970Alguns Malófagos da perdiz cinzenta
E. Mey1970Die Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus) in Thüringen
D. Mielke1970Parasitosen im DDR-Bezirk Frankfurt/Oder. V. Ektoparasitenbefall bei Rindern, Schweinen und Schafen und dessen Bekämpfung
F. H. Miller, Jr.1970Scanning electron microscopy of antennal structures of Polyplax serrata (Burmeister) (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae).
F. H. Miller, Jr.1970Scanning electron microscopy of Solenopotes capillatus Enderlein (Anoplura: Linognathidae)
F. H. Miller, Jr.1970Scanning electron microscopy of Echinophthirius horridus (Von Olfers), Antarctophthirus callorhini (Osborn), and Proechinophthirius fluctus (Ferris) with emphasis on the antennal structures (Anoplura: Echinophthiriidae)
A. C. Mishra, Dhanda, V., Kulkarni, S. M.1970Ectoparasites of small mammals from Western Ghats of Poona District, Maharashtra
K. D. Murrell, Cates M. D.1970Seasonal periodicity of ectoparasites of Rattus rattus tamezumi Temminck from Taiwan
W. A. Nelson, Shemanchuk, J. A., Haufe, W. O.1970Haematopinus eurysternus: Blood of cattle infested with the short-nosed cattle louse
I. Paperna, Furman, D. P., Rothstein, N.1970The parasite fauna of rodents from urban and suburban areas of Accra-Tema, South Ghana
R. L. C. Pilgrim1970An outline of work being done in New Zealand Institutions. In Symposium: The present status of taxonomic entomology in New Zealand
R. L. C. Pilgrim1970Knowledge of New Zealand Mecoptera, Mallophaga, Anoplura and Siphonaptera
F. Piotrowski1970Ectoparasites of mammals of economic importance as a zoological problem
F. Piotrowski1970Lice (Phthiraptera) of mammals in Hungary
F. Piotrowski, Kadulski S.1970Cervicola meyeri (Tasch.) (Mallophaga, Bovicolidae) from the roe deer
H. Plattner1970A study on the interpretation of freeze-etched animal tissues and cell organelles
W. Post, Enders F.1970The occurrence of Mallophaga on two bird species occupying the same habitat
R. D. Price1970A review of the genus Heleonomus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the cranes
R. D. Price1970A new genus Afrimenopon for Franciscoloa waar Eichler (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
R. D. Price1970Three new synonymies within the ctenidia-bearing bird lice
R. D. Price1970The Piagetiella (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) of the Pelecaniformes


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith