
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
N. S. K. Rao, Khuddus C. A.1970Male reproductive organs and mode of pairing of the poultry biting louse Lipeurus tropicalis (Peters)
H. Regenfuss1970Die Bedeutung der Häutung des Wirtes für Ektoparasiten und Symphomaiten an Arthropoden
D. H. H. Robertson, George G.1970Medical and legal problems in the treatment of delinquent girls in Scotland: 2.sexually transmirtted disease in girls in custodial institutions
S. Aqter Rony, Mondal, M. M. H., Begum, N., Islam, M. Aminul, Affroze, S.1970Epidemiology of Ectoparasitic Infestations in Cattle at Bhawal Forest Area, Gazipur
J. Rékási1970Adatok a vadon élö madarak Mallophaga-fertözöttségéröl
T. Salamon, Lazovi´C-Tepavac O.1970Circumscribing alopecia caused by head lice
J. T. Salmon1970The smaller terrestrial orders. In Symposium: The present status of taxonomic entomology in New Zealand
W. M. Samuel, Low W. A.1970Parasites of the Collared Peccary from Texas
C. Sarma1970Pediculosis of the eye lashes
G. P. Sharma, Parshad, R., Sodhi, A.1970Chomosome studies on three species of lice (Anoplura-Insecta)
J. Skibinski1970Faunal notes on Anoplura in Microtus oeconomus (Pallas)
A. Smetana, Daniel M.1970Some Anoplura from small mammals in Afganistan
K. Somadder, Tandan B. Kishore1970Mallophaga from birds of the Oriental region. Part VIII. Cuculicola hardayali sp. n. (Ischnocera: Philopteridae)
K. Somadder, Tandan B. Kishore1970Mallophaga from birds of the Oriental region. Part X. Two new species of Cuculicola (Ischnocera, Philopteridae) from Centropus (Aves)
E. F. Sosnina1970Infestation of small rodents with sucking lice in the Crimea mountain forest zone
E. F. Sosnina1970On mites of the genus Psorergates (Trombidiformes: Psorergatidae) - parasites of Muridae and Cricetidae in the USSR
H. Steinmann1970Rovarok - Insecta. Általános bevezetés
K. Touleshkov1970Mallophaga einiger Rabenvögel der "Stara-Planina"
D. W. Tuff1970A new species of Craspedorrhynchus from the bateleur eagle
D. W. Tuff1970A new synonym of Ardeicola expallida Blagoveshtchensky (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
D. W. Tuff1970A new species of Ardeicola (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from Thailand
W. Ulrich1970Hermann Burmeister, 1807 to 1892
R. Varma, Mahadevan B.1970Ectoparasites of mammals in the eastern Himalayas and their potential disease relationships
W. J. Vinson1970Action of synthehtic juvenile hormones on human body lice
M. C. Voicu1970Stadiile larvare doi şi trei ale speciei Enderleinellus sphaerocephalus Nitzsch (Anoplura: Hopopleuridae)
M. C. Voicu1970Contribuții la cunoaşterea (Ord. Anoplura) din rezervațiile naturale "Ponoare" şi "Codrul secular Slătioara" - Suceava
M. C. Voicu1970Polyplax reclinata Nitzsch, 1864 (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) specie nouă în fauna României
M. C. Voicu, Cazacu C.1970Contribuții la răspândirea Anoplurelor (Anoplura Lucas, 1840) în România
S. von Kéler1970Corrodentia - Staubläuse
S. von Kéler1970Hauptschlüssel: Heimische Insektenordnungen mit Berücksichtigung Häufiger Larvenformen
M. L. Walker, Becklund W. W.1970Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Checklist of the internal and external parasites of deer, Odocoileus hemionus and O. virginianus, in the United States and Canada
Z. Wegner1970Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals caught in Dobrogea (Roumania)
H. Weidner1970Entomologische Veröffentlichungen von Professor Dr. Günther Enderlein - biliography
F. Weyer1970Zur Frage der Rolle von Arthropoden als Reservoir des Psittakoseerregers
L. K. Whitten1970The control of external parasites of cattle
V. B. C. WHO1970Lice
R. T. Williams1970In vitro studies of the environmental biology of Goniodes colchici (Denny) (Mallophaga: Ischnocera). I. The effects of temperature and humidity on bionomics of G. colchici
R. T. Williams1970In vitro studies of the environmental biology of Goniodes colchici (Denny) (Mallophaga: Ischnocera). II. The effects of temperature and humidity on water loss
J. C. Wood1970Parasitic skin diseases of large animals
G. F. Zumpt1970Observations on red lice (Damalinia ovis) infestations in sheep on the Transvaal highveld
J. Złotorzycka1970Studien an den mitteleuropäischen Arten der Gattung Anatoecus Cumm. (Esthiopteridae, Mallophaga)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith