
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Fox, Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Traub, R., Fabrikant, I. B., Reeves, W. C., Murray, E. S., Gaon, J. A.1973Open discussion:
C. A. Frazier1973Insect allergy
R. S. George1973Ectoparasites of birds and mammals
E. J. Gerberg1973Head lice: Control and nit removal
N. G. Gratz1973The current status of louse infestations throughout the world
N. G. Gratz1973The current status of louse infestations throughout the world
N. G. Gratz1973Louse powders: Problems in field programs
N. G. Gratz, Tarizzo, M. L., Traub, R., Eldridge, B. F.1973Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session I
R. H. Grothaus, Cole M. M.1973Screening and testing techniques for new louse powders
R. Haitlinger1973To the knowledge of Siphonaptera and Anoplura fauna of the small mammals in Hungary
R. Haitlinger1973Polyplax spinigera (Burmeister, 1839) (Anoplura, Insecta) a new species of louse in the fauna of Poland)
M. Hall, Anthonis, E., Ubelaker, L., Allison, V.1973Scanning electron microscopy of parasitic lice. A comparative study
F. Haub1973Das cibarium der Mallophagen: untersuchungen zur morphologischen differenzierung
H. Haupt, Heide, K., Schlick, H. G.1973Kristallisation von Human-Blutproteinen
W. M. Healy, Thomas J. Ward1973Effects of Dusting on Plumage of Japanese Quail
A. C. G. Heath1973The biology and survival of starved cattle and goat biting lice (Mallophaga) at different temperatures and relative humidities
A. Horwitz1973Welcoming remarks
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973The influence of antibodies, antibiotics, and strain virulence on typhus infection in human body lice
Boese, J. L., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973Dichlorvos-impregnated plastic strips for field disinfesting clothing of lice
Grothaus, R. H., Cole M. M.1973Use of fumigants for control of body lice
Jenkins, D. W.1973Biologic control of human lice
Perry, A. S.1973Biochemistry of DDT resistance in the human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus
Schoof, H. F.1973The occurrence and distribution of resistance in lice
A. Horwitz, Traub, R., Varela, G., Snyder, J. C., Gaon, J. A., Murray, E. S., Kostrzewski, J., Walton, G. A., Wisseman, Jr., C. L.1973Open discussion
J. Vinson, W.1973Lethal effects of juvenile hormone-like substance on human body lice
Walton, G. A.1973Possible extrahuman reservoirs of the relapsing fever spirochete Borrelia recurrentis
Burgdorfer, W.1973Possible extrahuman reservoirs of Rickettsia prowazeki: Ticks
Doberstyne, E. B.1973Studies of louse-borne relapsing fever in Ethiopia
Eldridge, B. F.1973Louse control in the United States Armed Forces
Eldridge, B. F.1973Repellents and impregnants for the control of body lice
Eldridge, B. F.1973The use of chemosterilants and genetic manipulation to control lice
Eldridge, B. F., Grothaus, R. H., Cole, M. M., Winmill, A. E.1973Current status: Problems and control measures: D. Military control measures. Open discussion
Felsenfeld, O.1973Relapsing Fever
Figueroa, R.1973Health education as a tool in the prevention of louse-borne diseases
Gaon, J. A.1973Louse eradication programs in Yugoslavia
Gaon, J. A.1973Louse eradication programs: Pros and cons
Gear, J. H. S.1973Rickettsial diseases of Southern Africa, with special reference to their control
Gratz, N. G., Gaon, J. A., Busvine, J. R., Wegner, Z., Fox, C., Gear, J. H., Smith, C. N., Gerberg, E. J., Fabrikant, I. B., Makara, G., Traub, R., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Tarasevich, I. V.1973Open discussion
Gutiérrez, L. Gamarra1973Pilot program for the control of typhus in Bolivia
Kostrzewski, J.1973The problem of recrudescent typhus
Makara, G.1973Typhus and louse control in Hungry
Makara, G.1973Chlorphenamidine as an ovicide and the efficiency of heat in killing lice and nits
May, J. M.1973Some cultural traits in the ecology of louse-borne typhus
McDade, J. E., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973Studies on proposed extrahuman reservoirs of epidemic typhus
Myers, W. F., Wisseman, Jr. C. L.1973Serologic studies of Trench Fever employing a microagglutination procedure
Ormsbee, R. A.1973The hypothesis of extrahuman reservoirs of Rickettsia prowazeki
Reeves, W. C.1973Can the war to contain infectious disease be lost? With specific comments on louse-borne diseases
Robbins, W. E., Svoboda, J. A., Thompson, M. J., Kaplanis, J. N.1973Chemicals that disrupt the hormone-regulated process of insects
Sitar, A., Pantovic D.1973Laboratory studies on resistance of the body louse to Malathion and Carbaryl
Smith, C. N.1973Special problems concerning toxicity of repellents and insecticides


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith