
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Smith, C. N., Busvine, J. R., Jenkins, D. W., Krynski, S., Cole, M. M., Kostrzewski, J., Gaon, J. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., Kim, K. Chung1973Biology and control of lice: D. Experimental louse control methods. Open discussion
Smith, C. N., J. Vinson, W., Robbins, W. E., Svoboda, J. A., Thompson, M. J., Kaplanis, J. N., Cole, M. M., Van Natta, D. I., Eldridge, B. F., Weidhaas, D. E., Jenkins, D. W.1973Open discussion:
Steinberg, M.1973Field studies of topically applied louse toxicants
Steinberg, M.1973A study comparing some human and animal skin irritation testing techniques
Tarizzo, M. L.1973Geographic distribution of louse-borne diseases
Tarizzo, M. L., Kostrzewski, J., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., J. Vinson, W., Krynski, S., Gaon, J. A.1973Current status: Problems and control measures: B. Louse-borne diseases worldwide. Open discussion, Relapsing and Trench Fever
Tarizzo, M. L., Kostrzewski, J., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., J. Vinson, W., Krynski, S., Gaon, J. A.1973Open discussion
Tarizzo, M. L., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Murray, E. S., Gaon, J. A., Gutiérrez, L. Gamarra, Horwitz, A.1973Current status: Problems and control measures: B. Louse-borne diseases worldwide. Open discussion
A. Voors, W.1973Does improved economy lead to control of louse-borne diseases?
Winmill, A. E.1973The status of louse control in the Canadian Armed Forces
Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Busvine, J. R., Murray, E. S., Kostrzewski, J., Smith, C. N., Fabrikant, I. B., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., Fox, J. P., Ormsbee, R. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Makara, G., Gaon, J. A., Gear, J. H., Traub, R., J. Vinson, W., Perry, A. S., Eldridge, B. F.1973Open discussion
K. M. Howell1973A record of the corncrake Crex crex from Dar Es Salaam
M. Ikusawa, Yonemoto, S., Nishio, K.1973Ectoparasites of rats living in Osaka, Japan
I. K. Kaddou1973Drei neue Physconelloides-arten (Mallophaga, Goniodidae) von Columba-arten
S. Kadulski1973Ekolgia pasozytow zewnetrznych Cervidae i Suidae Polski
J. Kaisila1973Notes on the arthropod fauna of Spitsbergen 3. 16. The Anoplura and Siphonaptera of Spitsbergen
K. Kaneko1973Ethiopian rat lice
K. Chung Kim, Emerson K. C.1973Anoplura of tropical West Africa with descriptions of new species and nymphal stages
K. Chung Kim, Emerson, K. C., Price, R. D.1973Lice
K. Chung Kim, Weisser C. F.1973Haematopinus eurysternus (Denny, 1842) (Haematopinidae, Anoplura, Insecta): proposed validation under the Plenary Powers
H. F. Klockenhoff1973Zur Taxonomie einiger auf Rabenvögeln lebenden Federlinge der Gattung Myrsidea (Mallophaga)
H. F. Klockenhoff, Rheinwald, G., Wink, M.1973Mallophagenbefall bei Vögeln. Massenbefall als Folge von Schäden an den Wirten
S. Krynski1973Influence of individual features and environmental temperature on the development of infection and intoxication in lice
S. Krynski, Wegner Z.1973Bionomics of lice
R. Kuntz, Myers, B., Moore, J.1973The Baboon parasitology
Z. Kwiatkowska-Kawecka1973Phthiriasis palpeprarum
K. V. Lakshminarayana1973Mallophaga indica. 8. Harrison's law versus Struthiolipeurus with remarks on host relationships
J. A. Ledger1973A new species of Linognathus (Pthiraptera: Linognathidae) from the feet of an African antelope
J. A. Ledger1973A new species of Plegadiphilus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the South African bald ibis
R. Levy, Cromroy H. L.1973Concentration of some major and trace elements in forty-one species of adult and immature insects determined by atomic adsorption spectroscopy
R. Levy, Cromroy, H. L., Cornell, J. A.1973Abstract: Major and trace elements as bioindicators af acute insect radiosensitivity
J. F. Lewin, Norris, R. J., Hughes, J. T.1973Three cases of maldison (malathion) poisoning
P. Marcos Linardi, Nagem R. Luiz1973Pulicidae and other ectoparasites of dogs from Belo Horizonte and neighbouring areas
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1973Viability of lice feeding on blood of nonspecific hosts
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1973Viability of lice feeding on blood of nonspecific hosts
M. I. Lunkaschu1973Mallophaga of domestic pigeons of Moldavia and Chernovits region
H. - G. Mann, Ribbeck R.1973Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Mallophagen bei Haustauben, Columba livia domestica, speziell bei Sporttauben
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1973Especies españolas de Menoponidae (Mallophaga: Insecta) parásitas de aves deomésticas en España
E. H. McClure, Ratanaworabhan, N., Emerson, K. C., Hoogstraal, H., Nadchatram, N., Kwanyuen, P., Atyeo, W. T., Maa, T. C., Wilson, N., Wayupong, L.1973Some ectoparasites of the birds of Asia
K. Mellanby1973Arthropod ectoparasites of Man
E. Mey1973Die Dreizehenmöwe, Rissa tridactyla (L.), in Thüringen
E. Mey1973Zum Vorkommen der Beutelmeise, Remiz pendulinus (L.), in Thüringen
E. Mey1973Zum Vorkommen der Pieper und Stelzen (Motacillidae) bei Eisenach
E. Mey1973Grünfink, Carduelis chloris (L.), brütet unter Bahnsteigüberdachung
E. Mey1973Brutnachweis vom Birkhuhn im Thüringer Wald
M. M. Mimioğlu1973Veteriner ve Tibbi Artropololoji
A. C. Mishra, Kaul H. N.1973Hoplopleura cutchicus, n. sp. and Polyplax cutchicus, n. sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasitizing Rattus (Cremnomys) cutchicus (Wroughton) in India
J. Mueller1973Pubic lice from the scalp hair: a report of two cases
E. S. Murray, Gaon J. A.1973Incidence of Rickettsia prowazeki infections in an endemic focus of louse-borne typhus: Factors influencing the occurrence of epidemics
E. S. Murray, Gaon J. A.1973Louse-borne typhus: Major categories of control problems


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith