
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. C. Barker, Briscoe, D. A., Close, R. L.1992Phylogeny inferred from allozymes in the Heterodoxus octoseriatus group of species (Phthiraptera: Boopiidae)
C. A. Bee, Close R. L.1993Mitochondrial DNA analysis of introgression between adjacent taxa of rock-wallabies, Petrogale species (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
S. J. Cutler, Moss, J., Fukunaga, M., Wright, D. J. M., Fekade, D., Warrell, D. A.1997Borrelia recurrentis characterization and comparison with relapsing-fever, lyme-associated, and other Borrelia spp
J. M. C. Dasilva, Oren D. C.1996Application of parsimony analysis of endemicity in amazonian biogeography - an example with primates
O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, Bryant, H. N., Russell, A. P.1998Supraspecific taxa as terminals in cladistic analysis: implicit assumptions of monophyly and a comparison of methods
K. P. Johnson, McKinney, F., Sorenson, M. D.1999Phylogenetic constraint on male parental care in the dabbling ducks
K. P. Johnson, Sorenson M. D.1999Phylogeny and biogeography of dabbling ducks (genus: Anas): a comparison of molecular and morphological evidence
S. Morand, Hafner, M. S., Page, R. D. M., Reed, D. L.2000Comparative body size relationships in pocket gophers and their chewing lice
R. D. M. Page1996Temporal congruence revisited: comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence in cospeciating pocket gophers and their chewing lice
A. M. Paterson, Gray, R. D., Wallis, G. P.1993Parasites, petrels and penguins: does louse presence reflect seabird phylogeny?
R. Ramli, Cusack, M., Curry, G. B., Furness, R. W.2000Morphological variation of chewing lice (Insecta : Phthiraptera) from different skua taxa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith