
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
W. Eichler1977[Criterion of subspecies in ectoparasites (preferential in Mallophaga)]
W. -ge Dong, Guo, X. -guo, Men, X. -yuan, Qian, T. -jun, Wu, D.2009[Diversity of ectoparasites on Niviventer confucianus in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake]
N. A. Bezukladnikova1960[Ectoparasites of domestic dogs in Kazakhstan]
W. Eichler1972[Mallophaga species of the Central European domestic animal species]
M. H. Jeu, Jiang F. M.1990[Morphological study of the adult stage of the elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis with light and scanning electron microscopy (Insecta: Rhynchophthiraptera)]
G. Timmermann1964[Note]: Vergleichende Parasitologie als Hilfsmittel der ornithologischen Systematik
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1979[Resistence of head lice against gammexane (lindane) applies also to the nonalcoholic preparations].
A. Derylo1975[Studies on economic harmfulness caused by Mallophaga. V. An attempt of determining the role of Eomenacanthus stramineus (Nitzsch) in the transmission of fowl typhoid]
A. Derylo1974[Studies on the economic harmfulness of biting lice (Mallophaga). I. The influence of biting lice invasion on the state of health of hens and turkeys]
A. Derylo1974[Studies on the economic harmfulness of biting lice (Mallophaga). II. The influence of biting lice infestation on egg laying and hatching in hens]
A. Derylo1974[Studies on the economic harmfulness of biting lice (Mallophaga). III. The influence of biting lice infestation on a decrease of body weight in hens and turkeys]
J. Rékási1984[The mallophaga collection of the Mátra Museum I.]
C. Nunez-Sevilla, Benítez-Rodríguez, R., Soler-Cruz, M. D., Salmeron-Miron, V., Martinez-Lopez, J.1987[The microflora of goat Mallophaga]
I. A. Fedorenko1973[Two new species of Philopterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Mallophaga) from passerine birds]
H. Okada, Ohsugi, Y., Ushiyama, K., Asakawa, M.2022[Two species of biting lice found in the Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) , a national natural treasure, rescued and taken into custody in Hokkaido]
D. P. Britt, Molyneux D. H.1979`Parasites of grey squirrels in Cheshire, England
H. Miller1989A 'little higher than a louse'
E. Mey, Chastel, O., Beaucournu, J. - C.2002A 'penguin' chewing louse Nesiotinus on a Kerguelen diving-petrel (Pelecanoides urinatrix exsul): an indication of a phylogenetic relationship?
N. J. Fustino, Waddell, J. P., Panzer, Z. R.2020A 12 Year-Old Girl with Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia Secondary to Chronic Pediculosis Infestation
N. J. Fustino, Waddell, J. P., Panzer, Z. R.2022A 12-Year-old Girl With Chronic Pediculosis Infestation Presenting With Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia
J. A. Arkwright, Bacot A. W.1921A bacillary infection of the copulatory apparatus of Pediculus humanus
J. P. Huelsenbeck, Rannala, B., Larget, B.2000A Bayesian framework for the analysis of cospeciation
Anonymous2004A better way to treat head lice?
M. H. Hatch1938A bibliographic catalogue of the injurious arachnids and insects of Washington
L. Und1952A bibliography of the Anoplura or sucking lice
L. Freund1948A bibliography of the Anoplura or Sucking Lice
E. Lonc1990A biometrical analysis of measurements in poultry lice (Phthiraptera)
B. K. Behura, Bohidar, B. C., Naik, B. C.1983A biostatical analysis of sex difference in Pediculus humanus capitis (Siphunculata, Pediculidae)
E. Csiki1905A bivalytetürol
M. A. R. Ansari1956A brief survey of Bruëlia species (Ischnocera: Mallophaga) parasitic on the babblers and laughing thrushes (Timaliidae)
G. B. Thompson1938A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from (3) Procellariiformes and (4) Pelecaniformes
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the Species of Mallophaga described from Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes (Phoenicopteri)
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from Falconiformes
A. Hayward, Poulin, R., Nakagawa, S.2021A broadscale analysis of host‐symbiont cophylogeny reveals the drivers of phylogenetic congruence
K. E. L. Simmons1950A Buff-backed Heron incapacitated by Mallophaga
D. Vainstub, Mumcuoglu, M., Hasel, M. G., Hesler, K. M., Lavi, M., Rabinovich, R., Goren, Y., Garfinkel, Y.2022A Canaanite’s Wish to Eradicate Lice on an Inscribed Ivory Comb from Lachish
S. L. Olson2007A Carriker Trilogy: Chapters in a Saga of Neotropical Ornithology
E. C. Zimmerman1944A case of bovine auricular myiasis and some ectoparasites new to Hawaii
T. A. Younis, Montasser M. F.1991A case of cervical lymphadenopathy due to pediculosis
A. H. Andrews, McEwen J. C.1970A case of lice infestation (Linognathus setosus)
O. Ceylan, Ceylan, C., Öztürk, Ö., Dik, B.2020A Case of Linognathus setosus (von Olfers, 1816) (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) Infestation in a Dog
D. N. Gow1998A case of Mediterranean date louse in aircrew
Y. Y. Du1983A case of Phthirus pubis of the eyelid
R. Speare, Koehler J. M.2001A case of pubic lice resistant to pyrethrins
Z. Shan Chang1990A case of public louse (Pthirus pubis) on the eyelash of a chld
R. Durand, Andriantsoanirina, V., Brun, S., Laroche, L., Izri, A.2018A case of severe pediculosis capitis
C. M. Herman1937A case of superparasitism
C. H. Shen, Zheng, S. Z., Cui, C. Q.2004A case report of Phthirus pubis infestation of eyelids in an infant
S. Esmerligil1994A case report: pthiriazis palpebraum
G. Floyd Ferris1916A catalogue and host list of the Anoplura


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith