
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
K. V. Lakshminarayana1973Mallophaga indica. 8. Harrison's law versus Struthiolipeurus with remarks on host relationships
C. F. Weisser, Kim K. Chung1973Rediscovery of Solenopotes tarandi (Mjoberg, 1915) (Linognathidae: Anoplura), with ectoparasites of the barren ground caribou
A. C. Mishra, Kaul H. N.1973Hoplopleura cutchicus, n. sp. and Polyplax cutchicus, n. sp. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasitizing Rattus (Cremnomys) cutchicus (Wroughton) in India
N. S. Brown1974The effect of louse infestation, wet feathers, and relative humidity on the grooming behavior of the domestic chicken
R. E. Gingrich, Allan, N., Hopkins, D. E.1974Bacillus thuringiensis: laboratory tests against four species of biting lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae)
H. Tanaka, Oshima, S., Fujinami, F.1974A survey of parasites in commercially available small laboratory mammals
A. C. Mishra, Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1974A survey of haematophagous arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and Hill Districts of West Bengal--anoplura
H. Wolfgang Ludwig, Stahl P.1974Infestation of pigeons with pigen lice Columbicola columbae columbae
R. Haitlinger1974Lice (Anoplura) in small mammals in the Pieniny Mountains
W. P. Meleney, Kim K. Chung1974A comparative study of cattle-infesting Haematopinus, with redescription of H. quadripertusus Fahrenholz, 1916 (Anoplura: Haematopinidae)
S. H. Weisbroth, Seelig, Jr A. W.1974Struthiolipeurus rheae (Mallophaga: Philopteridae), an ectoparasite of the common rhea (Rhea americana)
G. Wobeser, Johnson, G. R., Acompanado, G.1974Stomatitis in a juvenile white pelican due to Piagetiella peralis (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
W. R. Marion, Thornton J. E.1974Ectoparasites of the plain chachalaca, Ortalis vetula mccalli, from south Texas
C. L. Cooper, Crites J. L.1975Arthropod parasites of passerine birds from South Bass Island, Ohio
F. Kamyszek, Piotrowski R.1975Ectoparasites in pigs and cattle. II. Lice and mallophagans in cattle and their control
A. Derylo1975[Studies on economic harmfulness caused by Mallophaga. V. An attempt of determining the role of Eomenacanthus stramineus (Nitzsch) in the transmission of fowl typhoid]
G. B. Staal1975Insect growth regulators with juvenile hormone activity
W. P. Meleney, Roberts I. H.1975Insect juvenile hormone mimics against the short-nosed cattle louse, Haematopinus eurysternus Denny (Anoplura), and their effect on warbles of Hypoderma sp. Latr. (Diptera:Oestridae)
N. Rosdahl1975DDT-resistent head lice
C. L. Wisseman, Jr., Boese, J. L., Waddell, A. D., Silverman, D. J.1975Modification of antityphus antibodies on passage through the gut of the human body louse with discussion of some epidemiologic and evolutionary implications
H. Rak, Anwar, M., Niak, A.1975The species of mallophaga in wild birds in Iran
A. Ardalan1975Mallophaga of Iran. II. 5 new records of Mallophaga from Iran
B. Nilsson1976A gynandromorph of the mallophagan Goniodes colchici from Phasianus colchicus
W. Eichler, Sixl, W., Gunther, K. K.1976Scanning electron microscopy of feather-eating lice of pigeons
D. R. Westrom, Nelson, B. Clinton, Connolly, G. E.1976Transfer of Bovicola tibialis (Piaget) Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from the introduced fallow deer to the Columbian black-tailed deer in California
W. Eichler1976Teratological Columbicola females from Cairo
A. Ardalan1976Preliminary survey on susceptibility of "Pediculus humanus corporis" to insecticides in Teheran, Iran
S. J. Kraus, Glassman L. H.1976The crab louse-review of physiology and study of anatomy as seen by the scanning electron microscope
R. Vitanovic, Nad, D., Salihovic, M.1976Various studies on the pediculicide effect of Tanderil tablets. Preliminary communication
R. Rem, Złotorzycka J.1976Zur Lebensweise des blassen Haustaubenfederlings Bonomiella columbae
J. Złotorzycka1977Observations on the differentiation of mallophagan fauna in birds both in cities and in the country
E. N. Nel'zina1977Basic taxonomic groupings of the organisms participating in the formation of nest-burrow microbiocenoses
F. A. Kingery1977Sorting out bug bites
Z. Wegner, Kruminis-Lozowska W.1977Studies of complex infestation of rats in the region of Gdynia and Gdansk. I.
Z. Szczesna1977Embryonic development of the "crown" in 3 species of Haematopinus (Anoplura, Phthiraptera)
M. Machel1977Biology of Pediculus humanus humanus (Linn.) of Weigl strain
M. C. Voicu1977General considerations concerning the order Anoplura in Romania
R. A. Ward1977Pathogens of Anoplura and Mallophaga (lice)
D. E. Bay1977Cattle biting louse, Bovicola bovis (Mallophaga: trichodectidae), phoretic on the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae)
H. Mester1977Incidence of Upupicola upupae in the crest of the hoopoe
K. Chung Kim1977Atopophthirus emersoni, new genus and new species (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) from Petaurista elegans (Rodentia: Sciuridae), with a key to the genera of Enderleinellinae
W. Eichler1977[Criterion of subspecies in ectoparasites (preferential in Mallophaga)]
J. Porkert1978Massive infestation of Goniocotes megalocephalus on an injured hazel-cock
E. M. Addison, Pybus, M. J., Rietveld, H. J.1978Helminth and arthropod parasites of black bear, Ursus americanus, in central Ontario
A. Derylo1978More important adaptations of Mallophaga
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Head louse of man (Pediculus capitis)
L. Vuksic, Pecic J.1978The effect of detergents on Pediculus vestimenti
N. A. Nikulina1978Lice fauna (Anoplura) of small mammals from the Charskaya Hollow
H. H. Wolff, Selzle D.1978Pediculus vestimentorum, Sarcoptes scabiei, Pulex irritans. Scanning electron microscopy
D. M. Lauer, Sonenshine D. E.1978Adaptations of membrane feeding techniques for feeding the squirrel flea, Orchopeas howardi, and the squirrel louse, Neohaematopinus sciuropteri, with notes on the feeding of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus var. corporis


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith