
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. Ward1992Operation clean-up. The management of skin infestations
M. P. Ward1994The prevalence of lice (Bovicola ovis) infested sheep flocks in Western Australia (1987-1993)
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2001Surveys to assess the amount of pesticide in wool and the use of pesticides by woolgrowers in Queensland
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2000Inspection of wool lots at sales as a diagnostic test for louse infestation
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T.1999Prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in Queensland sheep flocks
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.1998Pesticide use and residues on Queensland wool
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.1998Trends in the use of pesticides and pesticide residues on Queensland wool
R. A. Ward1980Pathogens of Anoplura and Mallophaga (Lice)
R. A. Ward1977Pathogens of Anoplura and Mallophaga (lice)
R. A. Ward1958Preliminary observations on the origin of some nearctic bird lice (Mallophaga)
R. A. Ward1957Host-parasite relations of the Mallophaga (Biting lice) of pocket gophers
R. A. Ward1957A study of the host distribution and some relationships of Mallophaga parasitic on birds of the order Tinamiformes. Part I
R. A. Ward1957A study of the host distribution and some relationships of biting lice (Mallophaga) parasitic on birds of the order Tinamiformes. Part II
R. A. Ward1955Biting lice of the genus Saemundssonia (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) occuring on terns
R. A. Ward1953Brief notes on the Mallophaga. I.
R. A. Ward1953Additional records of phoresy of Mallophaga on Hippoboscidae
R. A. Ward1953Host-parasite relations in a group of Mallophaga
R. A. Ward1952Review: The Sucking Lice by G. F. Ferris
R. A. Ward1951Description of a new species of Anoplura (Lemurphthirus verruculosus) from a Madagascar Lemur
R. A. Ward, Downey J. C.1973Checklist of the Mallophaga of Midway Atoll, Pacific Ocean
K. G. Wardhaugh2005Insecticidal activity of synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates, insect growth regulators, and other livestock parasiticides: an Australian perspective
R. A. Wardle1929The problems of applied entomology
G. W. Ware1971Occurence of head louse eggs in human hair wigs
K. I. Warheit1992A review of the fossil seabirds from the tertiary of the North Pacific - plate-tectonics, paleoceanography, and faunal change
M. L. Warnes1982Insect ectoparasites of the rook (Corvus frugilegus L.)
D. A. Warrell2019Louse-borne relapsing fever ( Borrelia recurrentis infection)
D. A. Warrell, Perine, P. L., Krause, D. W., Bing, D. H., MacDougal, S. J.1983Pathophysiology and immunology of the Jarisch-Herxheimer-like reaction in louse-borne relapsing fever: comparison of tetracycline and slow-release penicillin
D. C. Warren, Eaton, R., Smith, H.1948Influence of Infestations of Body Lice on Egg Production in the Hen
C. Washburton1910Report on a preliminary investigation of flock as a possible distributor of vermin, and on the life history of the body-louse
T. von Wasielewski1927Tierische Parasiten (mit Ausschluß der Blutparasiten)
M. E. Wassel, Tieben, G. L., Whitaker, Jr., J. O.1978The ectoparasites of the southern bog lemming, Synaptomys cooperi, in Indiana
C. Owen Waterhouse1905The mouth of Laemobothrion titan
D. F. Waterhouse1953Studies on the digestion of wool by insects IX. Some features of digestion in chewing lice (Mallophaga) from bird and mammalian hosts.
W. C. Waterhouse1994The louse is better - Heinsius and Johnson
J. Waterston1933The louse as a menace to man: Its life history and methods for its destruction
J. Waterston1929On a new louse from a Ceylonese shrew
J. Waterston1928The Mallophaga of sand-grouse
J. Waterston1928Mallophaga
J. Waterston1926On the occurrence of Lagopoecus affinis Children in eastern Siberia
J. Waterston1926On the crop contents of certain Mallophaga
J. Waterston1926On an unusual clue to the identify of a species
J. Waterston1925The Mallophaga and Anoplura and their host relations
J. Waterston1925Parasitologia Mauritanica: Materiaux pour la faune parasitologique en Mauritanie: Arthropoda: Anoplura
J. Waterston1924On the Mallophaga of the Spitzbergen expedition, 1923
J. Waterston1923On the Mallophaga of the Shackleton-Rowett Expediton 1921-1922
J. Waterston1923Two new Anoplura
J. Waterston1922A new genus of Ischnocera (Mallophaga)
J. Waterston1922On the Mallophaga of the Spitzbergen expedition
J. Waterston1922On the Ischnocera (bird-lice or Mallophaga) parasitic upon british grouse
J. Waterston1922Observations on the life history of a liotheid (Mallophaga parasitic on the curlew (Numenius arquata Linn.)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith