
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
R. Balter0Some experimental work on, and techniques used in a study of avian Mallophaga
A. Baker0Do you have lice in your hair? Blame it on the gorillas
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky0To the biology of swine louse (Haematopinus Suis L.) and methods of it's control
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky, Orlov, N,P, Krasnousov, G,N0On the biology of Cephalopina titillator cl. and its control
J. R. Busvine0Measurements of head lice and body lice from individuals with double infestations
B. L. Chapman0Notebook 1. Hosts and Mallophaga records 1 -182
C. Q. Choi0Study: Humans caught public lice from gorillas three million years ago
G. B. Corbet0The association of feather lice (Mallophaga) with a hippoboscid fly Ornithomyia fringillina Curtis
D. Cyprich, Hudakova, A., Kiefer, M.0Ioxidae, Anoplura and Siphonaptera on small ground mammals of the environment of the retention reservoir Zemplinska Sirava after irrigation
J. Ehik, Dudich A.0The mammals of Hungary with keys to the insects parasitic on them
A. Hirsch et al0Head lice: treatment and prevention
D. P. Furman0Exercise VIII Order Mallophaga
G. H. E. Hopkins0On certain multigraphed documents - published or unpublished?
O. P. Markevic0Vosi (Anoplura) Svijka´kich Tvarin. (Läuse der Haustiere)
S. C. Van Mourik0Ectoparasites in Australian waterfowl
F. Holmes0Trench Fever in the First World War
D. von Bithynien100Magonis Carthaginiensis libri de agricultura.
A. Ali el Hus Avicenna1000Canon
M. Albertus1268De animalibus libri XXVI
P. Crescentius1304Ruralium commodorum libri XII
G. Tardif1492Le livre de l'art de faulconnerie et des chiens de chasse
T. Moufet1634Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum
R. Hooke1665Micrographia
F. Redi1668Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl' insetti fatte da Fr. Redi, Accademico della Crusca, e da lui scritte in una lettera all' illustrissimo Signor Carlo Dati.
C. Galenus170De compositione medicamentorum localium, sive secundum locos,libri decem
J. (Jan) Swammerdam1752A. Classe natürlicher Veränderungen. Von der Laus. B. Die Kupferplatten und derselben kurze Auslegungen
Joblot,1754Observations d`histoire naturelle, faites aves le microscope
J. Swammerdam1758Pediculus
C. Linnaeus1758Pediculi
C. Linnaeus1761Pediculi
E. Pontoppidan1763Mallophaga
J. Anton Scopoli1763Pediculus
E. Louis Geoffroy1764Pediculus Le Pou
C. Linnaeus1767Pediculus
P. S. Pallas1767Spicilega zoologica, quibus norae imprimis et obscurae animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur
J. Anton Scopoli1772Mallophaga
J. Christian Fabricius1775Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorurn classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus
J. Christian Fabricius1775Mallophaga
O. F. Müller1776Insect: Aptera, Pediculus
Fvon Paula Schrank1776Mallophaga
J. H. Sulzer1776"Lice"
J. Christian Fabricius1777Mallophaga
C. De Geer1778Mémories pour servir à l`historie naturelle des insectes page 69 to 82
C. De Geer1778Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des insectes
O. Fabricius1780Mallophaga
Fvon Paula Schrank1781Pediculus
J. Christian Fabricius1781Mallophaga
A. François de Fourcroy1785Mallophaga
J. Christian Fabricius1787Mallophaga


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith